Anyone still out there? Looking for 50 lbs of live rock


Active member
Is this still an active forum? This seems to be a ghost town.

Is there another forum that is used by Northern Ohio Reefers now? This was always my go to place.

I'm finally getting back into the hobby after many many years!

I'll be setting up my 2x2x2 nano cube and looking for around 50 lbs of nice live rock.

I don't care if it's dry or wet, but I do want real live rock.

Just shoot me a PM.

It’s a completely different world. Kind of expected people to come back at some point.
I haven’t seen any activity in this forum in a while. I have some extra live rock (about 80lbs) but it’s not “real”. Some is Marco but most is man made “life rock”. Most activity I see is in Facebook groups for northern Ohio.
What happened that everyone left? I've been on these forums for probably 15 years now, but have been out of the hobby for about 7-8. So I'm way out of the loop lol. But this was always the best place for info all the way around.

I was going to ask if everyone moved over to a facebook page/group. I'll have to see what I can find.

I do appreciate that offer, I'm going to try and get my hands on some real live rock. One time I carted around a 50g tub of live rock for like 2 years because I didn't want to lose it lol. But then I knew I was getting out of the hobby for a while the last time, so I sold it all off. Still regret it lol. But I know there should be enough floating around still for me to pick some up for a reasonable price.
I think there was an overall shift. I suspect the forums may come back in the future as FB runs too many ads for my liking. Also, based on hobby pricing there was probably a considerable downsizing event that occurred. Another thought was with Photobucket. About five or so years ago they destroyed all image links and with it destroyed a lot of valuable information.
I would have to agree. Many moved on to social media. Not just Facebook but instagram, youtube, Pinterest etc.

As for live rock, if you want real live rock that’s still ocean direct, look around online for Australian live rock. I know Unique Corals used to have some and also tank stop. It’s pricey but looks good. (You may need to reach out to tank stop as I just saw a post the other day they had it in but I’m not seeing it on their site currently
Man how times have changed. I didn't even think of photobucket destroying a lot of threads on here. That really sucks. There was some amazing information and images on this site.

I'm hoping to find some live rock from a fellow local reefer, so it doesn't have to be new ocean direct (which I don't even know if that's a thing anymore). There were always people who were getting out of the hobby or had some extra for a reasonable price. I don't need a lot, just 40-50lbs max. There has to still be some around here. I'm gonna check on facebook groups.

I know the hobby was moving to a lot of artificial rocks and some were looking like great replacement. But I'm a purist and want real live rock lol
Lol the only wild ocean direct I’ve seen recently is Australian (about $25/lb). Otherwise you still have aquacultured options of TBS, KP Aquatics, Gulf Live Rock, etc. Otherwise it’s lucking out on locals. I believe the last time I was up there, Blue Fish Aquariums had some real in their live rock bins (in addition to the man made). I know the Northeast Ohio Saltwater and Reef Facebook group had a few post recently of people breaking down tanks (not sure the rock quality though I did see one that had some Aiptasia on it).