Anyone switch from Apex to GHL...?


New member
Trying to decide between these two controllers...

GHL looks to be better made - but from what I am seeing online doesn't seem to have that great support - just two guys named Vinny and Marco...?

Apex, on the other hand, seems to have a large following and "better" support.
Yup, so glad I did. Been using Apex since the AquaController III with x10!
Took an Apex 2016 with all the bells & whistles including a Trident off line a few months back.
I started having issues with modules dropping out, renaming outlets and flow/optical sensors on it's own.
Support is fantastic. When you switch, you need to completely forget about how you programmed the Apex.
There will be a slight learning curve. But once it clicks, it's very easy to understand.
You can not compare build quality. Once you hold a GHL component in your hand, you'll understand why.
Google search Ditto switch to GHL.
Just wanted to thank you guys on this topic. I'm researching controllers at the moment and the landscape is a lot different than when I set up my previous tank.