anyone using a current usa T5 extreme fixture?

nemo g

New member
i plan on setting up a 50 or 65 (with a dsb making lit area much shallower) within the month and i'd like to get some input.

i was going to go with a tek light, but now im not so sure. im on a budget, and would like to spread the money around.

here is what i dont like about the tek light compared to my experience with the design of current usa satellite (same for nova extreme).

no shield

you have to shell out another $50 beans for the acrylic shield on a tek light, and im not sure how the fit and finish is. on the c-usa, it is a nice sliding design that keeps the inside very clean and dry.

i figure, what is the point of having individual reflectors if they and the bulbs have salt spray on them? its a lot easier to keep a shield clean (especially with the c-usa slide out design) than it is to keep the bulbs and reflectors clean.

no legs

gotta fork out another $50 for legs. i can not use the hanging kit and have never seen anyone use the tek light sitting directly on top of a tank. is this possible? with the built in shield, my satellite sits on top of an open tank with no issues. me likey.

no moon lights

i didnt think it was a big deal at first, but after having it now i dont want to be without it. the c-usa T5 fixutre will have 3 of them, built in, no need to fuss, and will create nice moonlight ripples that i find ever so calming in the evening.


for a four bulb kit, the tek light with shield and legs or hanging kit and bulbs is roughly $370 - $430 delivered.

the c-usa 4 bulb fixture, with legs, bulbs, moonlight, and shield, rouphly $200 delivered.

something to consider no?

what am i missing?
Hey, if I am correct, the Current USA T5 don't have individual reflectors for each of the T5 bulbs. Correct me if I am wrong though.

You need the individual reflectors.

Why not check out aquactinics? They are a sponsor on this site.
I got my 36" T5 unit WITH fans, acrylic shield, AND 5 bulbs for $400 shipped.

So go and talk to Tom at aquatinics. He can help you out.
The reason why the individual reflectors are so important is they use 100 percent of the bulb or 90 something percent making the bulbs more efficient vs. having the bulbs use only a bit of there intensity with a normal reflector in a nutshell the reflectors are more efficient at delivering the light
guys i covered that in my isitial post.

yes indy refl are better.

but no one has a "complete" package anywhere near the cost of c-usas nova extreme fixtures.

theres so much in the package for less minus indy reflectors.

and for a tank with a dsb, with only 18" to cover, it may be all i need plus have the other bonuses as well.

at least its worth considering. i dont want an acro forest, a mix of corals would be fine with monties as my sps. so it may, as i am trying to find out, be enough.
The lamps are also a big part of what makes the T5 better plus the reflectors. I would look at more lamps if you dont do the TEK fixture or retro. If you SPS then keep then high in the tank like 6"-8" below the lights and it would work. The first time you change lamps I would get the ATI and GE lamps instead of the current lamps. JMO but you get what you pay for in this hobby(doesn't mean that you have to spend an arm and a leg) but do some research on the fixture and see what people are saying about them. I would look other places beside here for info.
I have purchased the T5 Nova Extreme for my 20g high. It should arrive here today. I'll let you know what I think.

P.S. I also just recieved my first Acropora today. Wish me luck!!!
If you look at the bulbs in respect to the reflector, 50% of your available light is depedant on the type of reflector you have. However if you only want montis, I think they might be fine up high in the tank.
Another thing to consider witht he cost. If you already have a hood you can put the retro's into. The TEK retros from come with the bulbs...the hoods do not. That can be a big saveings.
If hanging is an option, which it sounds like it might be, why not just go with a 175W halide pendant setup using something like a 14k lamp. $250 range, and you'll get a lot better growth and coloration in my opinion!
some quick thoughts:

- not going to go halide, heat issues.

- retro arent less but are actually more expensive and you have to make a hood.

- cant hang, gonna need the legs

brooks, let me know what you think, and good luck on your acro.

many of you guys arent getting the whole point. so for those that keep pushing "you get what you pay for" how about considering this:

- i can have 2 current usa T5 extremes shipped for $400. thats 8 bulbs.


- just a single 4 bulb tek light ($239), with shield($18), and legs($58), and adding four bulbs - 2 10k and 2 blues that match the current colors ($84) [dont want 6500k, dont like yellow, i want to get as close to 14k hamiltons] for shipped for $423

now if that doesnt make you think it over, nothing will.

you get a ton of light. all controlled in pairs, with a nicely designed sliding shield, and 6 built in moonlights.

and even if the "current usa lamps arent as good" is it really that big of a deal? especially when im not goingt o mess with an acros, especially not in the first 6 months. and when i want to and im ready itll be time for new bulbs.

come on guys, even you die hards would have to admit it is something worth looking over.

or have i lost it and gone looney :wildone: ???

I have a Current Extreme T5. I did have a problem, though. The fan on one of the switches didn't work.

I took it back to my LFS and he's having a new one shipped. Good thing I don't NEED the lights yet...
You probably won't be able to keep Acropora healthy or keep good coloration with the Current T-5s. Really depends on how much you want to keep the Acropora. You should be fine with Montis, Birdsnest, Pocillopora.
I'm guessing perhaps the tank is 36" long right? If so, why not just get a Current USA 4x96 PC lighting? You can have it sit on your tank and it costs about $400. You can get a 2x96 PC for $200 as well.

I don't think its worth it buying any T5's that don't have individual reflectors.

The pcs will keep softies and montis if they are placed up near the top.
My son has the 4 bulb nova setup over his 55g since last October. If I were setting up the tank today I would have pushed him to save for something better. It seems to do ok with digi's/poci ,but it's not enough for the few small acro frags we have tried in the tank. He would also like to upgrade to something he could keep clams under.

The moonlights are 4x very bright LED's. They make the tank so bright that he doesn't even use them at night. He runs them during the day to add a little shimmer.

The fan is also way too loud.

I do think they are a better choice than PC's but IMO both are best suited for LPS/softies
I got my light this weekend! (24" Nova Extreme)

First impression was... GEEZ is that fan loud.

Second impression was... boy, is that ever BLUE.

I decided to not use the legs. I just sat the light on my glass canopy. I decided to not use the fan. (no heat issues so far after a couple of warm {for oregon} days).

After one day, my leather corals look VERY happy. I had a cabbage coral that looks 100% better than under PC lights. Very open with the polyps all out. My new acropora frag opened right up and looks great so far. My yellow scroll coral is also showing more polyp extension. I have not seen any "burning" from too much light on any of my softies either.

While not perfect, I am very happy with the light. For $150, It was a great deal and a step up from PC lights.

Oh yeah, the LEDs are VERY bright also. I am going to put them on a timer because there is no switch for them.
Nemo G, go to Sunlight Supply's website and look at their horticultural T5 lamps. They make 2 + 4 bulb 24" fixtures and 2, 4 and 8 bulb 48" fixtures.

The 4 bulb 24" fixture, without bulbs, is around $100. The lamps that come with it are less than 6000K, so ditch those and buy the aquarium grade lamps. Right now they're even running a free shipping deal - all in all a 4x24W T5 kit for under $200 with bulbs. It's a little industrial looking but hey!

Here you go! It's the "New Wave" fixture. If you go with the 55 look at the 4' fixture, it's only a bit more.
thanks reefermonkey,

but the reason for considering the nova extremes was

1. complete system (full hood, acrylic shield, moonlights)
2. ease of use (can sit on tank, comes with legs)
3. isnt bad looking

for me, getting a funky non-specific use fixture isnt going to cut it. not only is it not intended for what i need, but it would need to be hidden and or hung.

all the energy and cost of hiding such a monstrosity defeats the whole point of saving some money in the first place.

its odd how so many are against the nova extreme just because it doesnt have individual reflectors, when that can actually be a good thing.

the t5 light loses its intesity much faster without indy reflts, yes we know, however, it makes it possible to have a true multi zone reef.

no need to worry about frying zoos, ricordias, softies, or lps. with a nova extreme, it would be possible to keep everything according to its needs without fear of having "too much" light everywhere.

if i am not going to grow acros on the substrate, and want lps and ricordias mid to high in the tank, a "less" intense fixture actually becomes more useful.

a ferrari is faster than an s4. but race them on winding slippery roads and say bye bye to the ferrari, the audi will be waiting at the finish line.

too often, in these forums, application goes ignored, and the singular focus becomes "performance". consider how euro reefers get the best fit equipment for their needs, not the best or the most for the money. they are happy to use a 70w hqi set up when it suits the application when their american counterparts would slap on a 250 hqi becasue its only $20 more.

just something to consider folks
I also think that some of us keep preaching something with more light output because this is posted in the SPS forum. If you are going to go with a mixed reef, and only put sps up top, then by all means use two of those nova extreme's and I'm sure you'll be perfectly happy!
Nemo, it sounds like you are set on the Current Fixture. you might be paying almost twice as much for the tek light, but you are also going to get nearly twice as much light into the tank. If you don't care/don't need that extra light then you would be better off with the Current light. If you want to keep a clam or SPS anywhere but the very top of the tank, get the Tek light.

I have the 6x54 tek light and do not use the shield and have no problems. I bought the legs, but would advise against it. You can probably make something (painted 2x2) that works just as well for nearly free.
