Anyone using Kissel a360 on a large tank


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I have a 180 and looking to switch lights. Anyone using Kissel a360 over a large tank and if so how many fixtures. Also any ill effects on your SPS if you switched from another type of lighting???

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Ok so I made the plunge just ordered 3 ai hydra 52s. Went with them over the kessil's after further research I think it will not be a dramatic dip from 3x400 mh.

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I think that you made a good choice between those two.

I would not sell the 400W MH for a while... like six months. The drop is probably going to be more dramatic than you think...especially in shadowing and coloration.
Anyone using Kissel a360 on a large tank

I switched from 3x MH with VHO to 3x a360 and within a month I had noticeable shading issues on large SPS pieces. I added 4x T5. Would prefer some way to move the Kessils or run twice as many and angle the fixture but that isn't in the budget now.

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From my experience initially with the spread of the Hydra 52HD's, I think you're going to need more than 3 over a 6' tank if you want to do LED only. I would suggest 4 initially, 12" off the water line with a 5th one being added down the road if you experience a lot of shading.

I started off with 2 over my 4' foot tank but quickly added a 3rd and it's much better. To be honest, I had a rocky transition initially from the conversion of T5 (ATI Powermodule) to LED, but also did the change with a tank upgrade so it was a whole new system. I also didn't research a lot of the lighting programs available to use online for these lights and until I did that coupled with the use of a PAR meter, I finally have them dialed into to a good spot where I'm started to see recovery but am still making minor tweaks.

4 or 5 units is a lot of money, but so is this hobby and if it's the route you want to go, I would go all in or else you'll be disappointed in the change IMO.
I agree that three AI hydras are not going to be enough light for a 6 ft tank. I run 4 on a 4 ft tank. Probably could have done 3, but I snagged a deal on a few used ones. Since I had 4 I used them all.
I think they are good for covering 1.5ft (for SPs needs at least)

My tank is 3' and the local store suggested me to use 1x 52HD. I bought 2 x 26HD instead. The LED amount is the same but better spread and couldn't be happier.
The problem with the Kessils is the same problem you have with any point source light (and it's a small point source) - shading. MH solved this mostly with big reflectors, but no lens, no matter how fancy will solve it. It's just the physics of how light travels and reflects. I like the look of the Kessils a lot, but ended up with many more than I anticipated I would when I started out (double actually). The Kessils absolutely will work, but when budgeting for cost, x2 or even x3.
Anyone using Kissel a360 on a large tank

The problem with the Kessils is the same problem you have with any point source light (and it's a small point source) - shading. MH solved this mostly with big reflectors, but no lens, no matter how fancy will solve it.

Big reflectors, and also don't forget, MH is almost always paired with supplemental non-point-source light. I don't view that as a drawback of MH or Kessils, and the fact that many people run Kessils with T5 made me more comfortable making the switch as a long-time MH user.

As I said above, I run 4x T5 and 3x Kessils on a 180. The tank has only been set up a few months but I already have over 1/2" growth on several SPS colonies that were previously under MH (However, in the first month before I added the T5s I also had noticeable die off on shaded parts of colonies). I understand in my scenario the T5s are probably doing a fair amount of the "heavy lifting"... but I'm happy with the results. I like the look, controllability, and power usage of the Kessils over the T5 so when the budget allows I may replace the T5s with three more Kessils (so that puts me and ca1ore in the same boat).

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Big reflectors, and also don't forget, MH is almost always paired with supplemental non-point-source light.

True, when I ran MH I used VHO - same difference.

I like the look, controllability, and power usage of the Kessils over the T5 so when the budget allows I may replace the T5s with three more Kessils (so that puts me and ca1ore in the same boat).

FWIW, I also run three Gen4 Pro Radions along with seven Kessils (a mix of 360 and 160). That's a lot of years worth of energy savings to recoup (or not) :lol:
I have a 300g 8ft tank. I use 6 360we and have 2 T5 strips. I used to run MH but when I made the switch I did not have any SPS in the I can't compare. I have a lot of SPS which is placed in the top 15in of the tank.
Anyone using Kissel a360 on a large tank

So it has been about two weeks I have been running the hydras on acclimation mode. The colors of the coral are in my opinion better but I can see that I will need a fourth light in the near future. Hard to explain but the hydras are not as crisp as the mh but definitely bring out more color but i tend to like a tank on the blue side.

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Most LED are really good at illuminating coral that got their color from a more complete light source only to have colors change as the original source is gone for a while. It could be a few months before you really know what the coral will look like under the Hydras... you might love it... you might not. In any case, don't sell the old lights until you are sure.