anyone want a kitten?


New member
Any one want a kitten? Stupid neighbor kids found two kittens and decided to play with them in front of my house. Once they got bored, they tossed them into the bushes. One died but the other is doing fine since we are bottle feeding it. It’s a calico , right now about 5 inches long not including the tail, and can’t tell if it’s male or female yet. If anyone is interested, let me know. We can continue to bottle feed it until it’s able to eat canned food if anyone wants to take it off our hands. I already have two and can’t afford to have another one.
long hair or short hair?? might be willing to take it if its short hair. Coco will need another playmate when Jason takes his cat back..
It looks like it might be some what short when it gets older. Too hard to tell just yet since it is just a ball of fur. It's most liky short though. haven't seen too many long hair strays especially around here.

This is what it looks like.
Well, The cat is still alive and doing well. It gets bottle feed every few hours and now likes to spend most of the day outside the bed and trying to walk around. It doesn't do a very good job yet and still falls over but better than a few days ago. Just in case, I am treating it for ringworm. My other stray, Byoki, had it when we got her and gave it to everyone else so no taking chances this time.
I'd say in a month it should be ready to take on canned food. hard food is still a few months away but it's yours when it hits canned food and doesn't need to be fed in the middle of the night.
I think the title of this thread should have been:

"Trade my kitten for your corals"

Surely you could have wheeled-and-dealed some new equipment or livestock!

Just kidding. I foresee good karma in your future.
I would have but I don't want anymore plastic coral in my tank...

Glad to see you are still with us... thought you dropped of the face of the earth.
If dropped off the face of the earth, you meant NY, yes, that's where I spent the summer. I had to take care of my primary hobby: racing!

Now I'm back and will settle in. Spent 8 hours cleaning my tank on Wednesday. Everything was still alive and doing well, but the tank maintenance was a little short of what I was hoping. (Thanks for the tip Mike! The Discover card took all the brown crap right off!)
