Anyone with info. on Bill Wann's 17000 Gallon?

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I think he was banned from RC, but I recall his last project was something like 17000 gallons. Was curious if anyone knew how that project was coming along?
the thread.... a couple people commented negatively on his personal life and he wasn't to happy so as of now he is refusing to provide anymore updates to anyone... apparently indefinitely.

Here's the thread anyways... it was at the point of getting a fresh water test when things turned sour, pretty [violation] annoying...
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Wonder if Scott (Spazz) could talk Bill into just putting up the pics and build without letting anybody else post? We dont need the personal details, just to ogle the build. I'll read the tabloids at the store if I need any of that.
people need to stay out of his personal life. it a board about a reef tank not his life so i dont understand why people had to do that. i really wanted to see it through
You know, Bill is rather sensitive, all things considered. Similar things happened here at RC... someone said something, and he pulled every pic off the thread. He ended up getting banned as well, forget why. Anyways, the thing is... how thin can your skin be? I mean, the guy doesnt exactly strike me as the kind that exactly shuns attention... you know? Two red Ferrari and two yellow and green Porche tell me that much.

Sorry for the 'alternate opinion' but every time there is something just a little not to his liking, he packs up his pics and refuses to post... as if we are little kids and he is scolding us. It gets a little old after a while. I have tried contacting him directly as well, with no response... and according to Spazz, he WANTED me to call him. I can understand that he is a busy guy, and he's a 'unique' individual, but come on... he's just another reefer. And when you keep removing pics and being tempermental / borderline, it just gets old. Sure, its huge (or was), sure, the equipment is nice... and I would love to go see it since its 45 minutes from me (he's in Zion, Ill), but it makes me wonder how sensitive he might be if I went to visit. Its either that, or he's got control issues.

OR maybe its just me... I cant stand teases.
Since this member is no longer with us, I don't see any point in continuing this conversation about him.
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