My blue throat has some syndrome going on. He doesnt appear to be sick. But he triggers himself into place for long periods of time or he paces i top corner back corner or end, top of the tank. He has not eaten for 2, maybe 3 weeks. The first I noticed this, he was not to be seen for 2 days. I thought he was dead. I took out some rocks and found him wedged into place. From then on he's been super weird.
I'm told this is a common occurence which can happen to any trigger, any species. I was told even if I found a giant tank to put him in (he's in a 'short' 125 now) that this would not help. Once it starts, he is on a path to die. He has no outward sigs of illness. I guess he can be sick inside, but only thing sickly about him is not eating and being neurotic all the time unless he's triggered into place.
I thought perhaps he doesnt like some of my tank mates (esp a blue hippo tang). They have fought perhaps 2 times max that i have seen. They seem to have been well together. All my other fish appear fine, execept I have mysteriously lost a small angel and orange spot blenny. Also a bartlett anthias has stopped eating --- but I think that was b/c I wasnt feeding them often enough until now -- the other two are fine.
Params are fine. I did have a spike in nitrate to 40 ppm about 6 weeks ago, that has been slowly going down. I have had the trigger for over a year now.
My blue throat has some syndrome going on. He doesnt appear to be sick. But he triggers himself into place for long periods of time or he paces i top corner back corner or end, top of the tank. He has not eaten for 2, maybe 3 weeks. The first I noticed this, he was not to be seen for 2 days. I thought he was dead. I took out some rocks and found him wedged into place. From then on he's been super weird.
I'm told this is a common occurence which can happen to any trigger, any species. I was told even if I found a giant tank to put him in (he's in a 'short' 125 now) that this would not help. Once it starts, he is on a path to die. He has no outward sigs of illness. I guess he can be sick inside, but only thing sickly about him is not eating and being neurotic all the time unless he's triggered into place.
I thought perhaps he doesnt like some of my tank mates (esp a blue hippo tang). They have fought perhaps 2 times max that i have seen. They seem to have been well together. All my other fish appear fine, execept I have mysteriously lost a small angel and orange spot blenny. Also a bartlett anthias has stopped eating --- but I think that was b/c I wasnt feeding them often enough until now -- the other two are fine.
Params are fine. I did have a spike in nitrate to 40 ppm about 6 weeks ago, that has been slowly going down. I have had the trigger for over a year now.