Apex Base on sale $349

sea witch1

The Apex base is on sale now for $349.
So technically you can buy the base, probes, calibration fluid, energy bar separately if you dont want to commit to the $799 price tag to get the complete unit.
I dont own an Apex but wouldnt mind buying one if it can be purchased separately. Is there any disadvantage to purchasing it this way.... aside from the probability it may cost more getting those other components. Unless of course you find them here of RC.

The disadvantage is it is more expensive to buy all the pieces this way. I own the classic and did not want to shell out the $799 when I already had all the probes and my energy bars would also work with it. I did buy just the base unit yesterday from BRS. One day I will upgrade my energy bars. If you don't have any of the pieces I would say buy the whole unit.
Yes. You are correct. Perhaps as we get closer to the end of the second quarter Neptune will quite possibly lower the price on the entire unit. The sale of the unit will go up when the Triton becomes available... Hopefully by then as well
This might be a result of the Triton module. They mentioned that the Triton only worked with the 2016 version. I bought the new apex in anticipation of the Triton.

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