Apex DOS units installed


New member
Decided to ditch the CArx after some repeated issues and go back to 2 part dosing. Why stop there so I added more DOS units and now I've totally automated 2 part dosing, vodka dosing, and best of all...automatic water changes at the rate of 2%/day, 24/7. No more delayed 20% weekly, then bi-monthly, then monthly h2o changes for this procrastinator! Left one open port for most likely magnesium dosing, though maybe for dosing pods.

Simple to install and program.

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Those DOS units ain't cheap. I have one for ATO. For ATO Avast Marine to control a Masterflex pump. And a BRS 2ml punp for carbon dosing. All controlled by Apex.

I use a CA reactor to supply 3.6 dKH /day. Dosing would be over 350ml/day.
My mixing station is in basement about 25 feet away (about 8 ft of lift) from 150g (+25g sump) mixed reef. Only dosing 65ml/day currently but adding more SPS so I expect it to increase.

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