Apex question


New member
I'm ready to ditch my reef keepers. And go with an apex. The question I have is how (if possible) would I be able to hook up multiple frag tanks To a single apex. What modules are needed to do so?
Easy money, just a lot of it. If you hook up a extra energy bar (EB8) you have control of all the outlets. You can then plug a probe module into it (PM1) for temp and pH. I've been wanting to do this, but my frag tank is in another room, so I would need all of that and a aquabus extension (their proprietary cable). EB8- $160 new, PM1- $100 new, I think, and an extension aquabus- $20. Over $300 after tax and shipping. Eventually...
I called them on this, you can run usb extension cords up to 200 feet to connect the equipment to each other. (make sure the usb extension cords do NOT have repeaters) I have personally used an EB4 on a 50ft extension. You do not have to use their extension cords, regular USB cords are fine (see ebay)
That's good to know, they look like standard USBs, but the modules have stickers that say Do Not Use USBs. Wonder if they're just trying to keep their cords selling...
I think they mean not to plug in regular usb devices to that plug (your cell phone charger for instance) as the voltage is different (higher).
Like the guys have said, long USB cords and if you want to monitor each system you will need a PM1 for each and the probes/accessories along with it.
I have a long USB extension cable from monoprice. I used it to connect to my display. My sump, outlets and probes are all in my fish room and the tank is in the living room about 15ft away. Ive been running it like this since i set up the tank with no issues. The "no usb" comment is referring to not plug in usb drives in there or anything.
all connections on apex are for male to male cables. The apex usually comes with 6 foot cables. If you buy an extension cable its usually male to female.