Apex set up project will pay$$$$$$$$


Apex controller help...$$$
I have the apex controller but am having a hard time programing the unit. I have controllers for ecotech power heads, Aquaillumination led lighting, 2 ph monitors ...1 for CA reactor and one for ph monitoring of tank, Orp probe, also extra set of leds to be used at night. I have tried programing the unit, following the unofficial manual and am lost!!!!!!I also need the software version updated. I will pay someone to make a house call and clean up the mess I have created before I blow up the whole system..This can also be done remotely by allowing you to do remote access into my home network as I can access apex via remote pc and I phone I am located in coral springs fl. and can be reached directly at email dolfandds@aol.com.Thanks in advance the" potential apex Meltdown"...Rick
I understand where you're coming from, but I really think you (and your tank!) will be better off if you learn what you need to do in order to maintain your own system. I know... not what you were asking, but if someone else sets up your system and you don't really understand it yourself, what's going to happen when it freaks out on you at 2am in the morning?

The Apex can really simplify things and make keeping a stable tank easier. But like any type of automation, the risk that something bad happens - and happens quick - is not gone. And if you can't maintain your own system, really bad things can happen down the road. (Read your own signature line... it really applies here! :) )

Just my opinion... of course!

[PS... what *specifically* are you having problems with? Sounds like you've got some of it programmed, but where's the problem?]
^^ what he said...

the easiest way to program the apex is to start with one outlet at a time... program that outlet for basic on off (if timed) or the IF THEN statement (if controlled by other input device)..

then go back later after it operates on a basic level.. and tweak it to match your every need..
dolfin, ironic siggy :-)

Like said earlier, work one task at a time. Tackling them all adds to the stress. We'll all help answer qs.
Rick, what is giving you trouble? Post your current programming and tell us what you want to accomplish with the Apex. You'll get plenty of constructive critique, suggestions, and other guidance here.
Had it programmed for most options but system crashed and now the apex is not controlling anything and ip address has changed in apex need help in reprogramming help also can't access apex from i phone or intertnet BEYOND HELP AT THIS POINT looking for sharp objects!!!!!!
AQUAILLUMINATION LED LIGHT SYSTEM< COOLING FANS, PH controller monitor PH and Orp Skimmer pump, main pump moon lights, Ecosysten 40 3 power heads have modules for all WXM and VDM plus extra Ph Module any help greatly appreciated thank you
I'm as willing to help as the next guy.. but you need to explain exactly what you want each of those outlets to do.. (instead of trying to get your question across using the fewest characters possible - like the last two posts)

list each outlet and what you want it to do in an organized manner so we can help you..