Apogon leptacanthus - Breeding Log

Darnit, they pulled a 7 day release on me while I was out of town in NY on the 30th...worst part is I had someone who was going to give this batch a try! Both females are simply bursting at the seams with ripeness, so it shouldn't be long before another spawn!

4-6-06 - well it looks like the leptacanthus are back on their routine - I didn't notice any courtship other than the usual hussle between these guys, but the male is again holding. Looks like they're back to a 1 week holding, 1 week eating kind of routine! Everything is back up and running, the 10 gallon is ready and waiting to be set up (guess I need to start setting it up for real vs.just having the parts on hand!). Wish me luck. Haven't seen a goby hatch since the move which is kind of disappointing...hopefully they'll come back soon -> I have someone local who's willing to try their hand at 'em (I'm going to focus my rearing efforts on the leptacanthus first).

Ok, back for a couple quick updates. The male leptacanthus held his brood all the way up to the end, I'm pretty sure of it. I was expecting release on the 13th or so, but by the morning of the 14th he was still holding tight and we had to leave for the weekend. Of course, by the time we got back on the 16th the brood was gone.

Now, it's 4-23-06. Sometime during the afternoon today we had another spawning on these guys. This time I plan on being around for the release! The rotifer cultures are going strong, my Nannochloris and Tetraselmis are up, although I literally just restarted my Nannochloropsis and tried a new source for Isocrysis to see if I could get THAT going as well. Keep the faith!


Sounds like your Cardinals are getting into a regular routine. Keep us posted on how this goes and above all else good luck.

when your apogon leptacanthus decide to give birth and you rear the fry for a few weeks, let me know. I would be willing to buy 30-40 of them. Same goes for your bangaii.
I have a feeling it's going to be at least 60 days before the fish are really "solid"...just a hunch :) They start out about the same size as our Green Banded Goby larvae!

Another NOTE - apparently our two females are getting pretty PO'd with each other lately...both have torn up mouths and one has a slight fungal infection at the mouth (yet they're STILL breeding). It's definitely aggression between them that's causing these injuries....I didn't really expect to see this type of aggression as the fish matured...when they were younger things were fine. My real suspicion is that the sub-dominant female became the dominant female after the first time she spawned (spawn #2)...since then there has been increased quarreling among our two girls.

Well, looks like our Leptacanthus may have to go co-culture with Mandarins...granted my track record with mandarin eggs is less than 3 days, so eitherthere will be larval mandarins or this leptacanthus brood will have a 10 gallon to themselves (the last spawn is still going strong and looks to be held to term - that MALE is a ROCKSTAR compared to the rest of my cardinalfish males).
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6860986#post6860986 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by mwp
FWIW, I discovered that part of the reason the rotifers are disappearing is that they are settling on the bottom of the specimen cup....the "gunk" that was collecting on the bottom appeared to be mostly rotifers but also some algae clumps / other detritus.

What is the SG of your rotifer cultures and your tank? If they differ by more than .007 thats the reason for the rotifers settling, they are being shocked and dieing..

little late for the reply, but I just read the thread ;)
Ah! Nagel good notion, I"ll have to double check. M rotifers should be running around 1.020 to 1.023, wheras my display tanks typically run around 1.025. Shouldn't be to much difference, but that doesn't mean there isn't.

4-30-06 - it's 10 AM and darnit, I MISSED the release of the leptacanthus larvae AGAIN! Note for myself - technically, that's less than a 7 day incubation...I still need to learn the signs that the male is ready, although I think one of them was noticed by Renee last night - aparently the male was spitting the eggs in and out..hmm...

Well, I somehow missed posting this sooner; 4 days have already gone by.

5-4-06 11:50 AM...we have ANOTHER spawn. Maybe by the time these are released the mandarin larvae will be large enough to handle some companions? My anticipated release date is 4-12 or so...I should be around this time!

5-13-06 - 2:18 AM and the male is STILL holding onto that clutch...I suspect he's going to release them sometime soon, but i"m not sure when. I may pass this batch along, as I currently have another mandarin spawning in the kriesel as well as 194 GBG larvae...well it's either that or set up a 2nd larval tank...I technically have the space and some of the equipment already...it's convincing Renee that's the hard part!


Just tell her that setting up a second larval tank will help insure better survival and that very soon you will make a huge profit from the sale of the fish :D By the time reality sets in it will have been setup for 6-12 months and she won't object :)

Well, I've been watching and waiting for a NATURAL release on this last spawn. I expected a release as early as the 11th (7 days)...when that didn't happen I was sure it would happen last night (8 days). We are now almost to 9 days and the male is still holding strong. HMMM. Maybe some of those prior larvae were released prematurely? I checked my temperature records and well...it looks like the temperature while brooding has remained roughly the same, at most maybe a degree or two difference but generally still around 78F. The male is "chewing" a lot as I'm sitting here typing this, so maybe release is iminent.

Well FishFreak, the male has to "give it up" first I guess. We're almost at 10 days, the lights went out 1.5 hours ago, and the male is STILL holding his clutch! JUST SPIT 'EM OUT ALREADY!

5-14-06 - NOON - OK, I clearly have NO CLUE what is going on...it's been 10 days since the spawn now and the male is STILL holding the clutch. Every other one ended around 7-8 days and we had viable larvae....

5-15-06 - 12:30 AM and the male is STILL HOLDING. This is VERY unusual. Not much else I can say other than I really really really am fighting the temptation to go in there and net him out. This no longer makes any sense as every other brood has been 7-8 days to produce viable larvae.

I should mention that I tried something different on the night of the 13th/14th...I turned out every single light and set up our brine shrimp net in the overflow...I figured maybe this added total darkness would spur the release AND prevent predation when I finally decided that I simply had to go to sleep at 3:30 AM. Obvously nothing happened, and tonight the moonlights are back on so I can observe.

On the upside, I have to give our male leptacanthus major props considering our Bangaii Male won't hold past 2 days and both margaritophorus males consume spawns the moment they occur. So here's to you little skinny fish with the huge bulging throat! CHEERS!

5-15-06, 2:45 AM - OK, so tonight is definitely the night..around 2:15 AM, after squaring things away with another surprise mandarin spawning, I checked my brine shrimp net in the overflow...2 leptacanthus larvae were in there but both looked Dead. I added them straight to the larval tank anyways, just out of hope.

I spent the next 30 minutes trying in vain to capture the brooding male leptacanthus...NO LUCK and I have the urchin stings to prove my good efforts. Yeah, try catching a NOCTURNAL species at night..it doesn't get you very far.

Yes, I've been known to say "Screw the cardinalfish" when the mandarin babies show up, but hey, that doesn't mean I should just ignore them.

So, basically here's what I've done (we'll know in the morning if it works). I raised up the water level in the filtration (topped off with FW) so that there's a good inch of water standing above the mechanical filters. On TOP of the mechanical sponge I placed a doubled-over carbon bag..the mesh is fine enough that babies aren't going to go through, and the form is such that it forms a barrier that covers the entire surface area of the mechanical chamber...thus ensuring that babies, once skimmed, will be in there.

As per past experiences, the larval leptacanthus are NOT positively phototrophic and well, my basic hunch is that the male has been slowly releaseing larvae all day, only for them to instantly be picked off by the other cardinalfish in the tank. So the moonlights are back off, and as soon as I'm done typing this the computer monitor is going off too...it's going to be as dark as I can possibly make it...hopefully cardinalfish can't hunt in TOTAL darkness....we'll see I guess!

As of 9:00 AM, there were no larvae in the overflow...I didn't get to scope out the male but I SUSPECT whatever larvae he was holding got eaten last night...maybe even by him after I harassed him and tried to catch him.

Oh well...they'll spawn again soon enough.
