April Meeting notes


First off I owe an appology to everyone for the delay in getting this out. I know it's not an excuse but things have been hectic around here.

Our Meeting was held April 18, 2006 at the Coral facility. We held a short meeting before the wonderful presentation that Steve gave on coral fragging.

For new business Bill brought up the point that we needed to form a set of by-laws in order to gain a tax exempt status that we are looking for. He also stated that we needed to add a vice president to our list of officers. John Twardowski was unanomously voted into this position. Congratulations John!

Other points business discussed were the fact that we need the members dues and email addresses of those who have not submitted them. Also there were some drawings submitted for the logo of our club. Those were given to the creative art department at Drs. Foster and Smith who offered their services to work them up. Thank you for that!

Following the meeting was a fragging demonstration given by Steve. Thank you Steve for this great demonstration. It was well received by all and the hands on experience was wonderful!

Also a mention of Thank you to Chris Mueller and all of the rest of the Drs Foster and Smith staff for all of their hard work in getting everything setup and ready for our meeting.

Our next meeting will be held on May 16th at 6:30 pm at the Aquaculture Facility. This months topic is part 2 of the Coral Taxonomy given by Kevin.

Several people have asked for the link to the website so I am including it here. Please remember that it is on ReefCentral in the club forums as well.

Until next time...Happy Reefing!