April Meeting?


New member
I see that the club home page has Aprils meeting at Atlantis, but didn't we change the time to 5:00pm to 8:00pm. ??
I updated the site yesterday. For some reason I was thinking that Mike said that the new meeting time of 5-8 was starting after the Atlantis meeting but I could be wrong. I'll cantact Mike and ask him to be sure. Thanks.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6989298#post6989298 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Lageo04
I could be wrong Joseph. My wife says I have selective hearing.

I seem to suffer from that as well. :D
The April meeting, assuming it is okay with Atlantis, will be from 5pm - 8pm. We still need to check with Atlantis because we are changing the time. Please stay tuned!
