Aptasia control in large tanks?

Thanks everyone, I think I will try adding a threadfin to the mix. I will have to get one on order.

I have already added 20 berghia to the tank about three weeks ago and have not noticed a difference in the aptasia level. I know this is a big tank and they are small critters, but I have only seen one since they were added. I like the idea of adding them to the sump, should have tried it that way first. However I am not sure if the larvae would make it safely to the tank, but if you could breed them in the refugium, you could always transfer some to the tank. I am going to be replacing my sump and refugium here shortly, but once the new ones are in place, I may try that.
Ok, I changed my plan and added a pearlscale instead tonight. He is a bit smaller than I had hoped, but I will see how he does. If he doesn't do the trick, then I will be adding a raccoon butterfly and gamble it doesn't eat everything in sight.
Well it has almost been a week that I added the pearlscale. Haven't noticed any difference in the aptasia level yet, but it hasn't been that long and he is only about 2". The good news is that the bullies have stopped picking on him and he is picking at the rock work.
Ok, just a quick question, how big are does the pearlscale need to be before he starts chowing on the aptasia? I haven't notice any decreased amount of them yet? I may be inpatient and I do have a lot of aptasia in the tank, but I would think I would notice a few missing by now.
I have recently added a Copperband to my reef tank (1560L) and thankfully it has taken an interest in Aiptasia, even before it finished off all the tubeworms.
However, I also run an attached ‘fish only’ (actually also with some mushrooms) tank and just before putting the cbb in the main tank I noticed that the fish only tank did not have any a Aiptasia. At the time, the only fish in there were a damsel, a hawk fish and a juvenile Emperor Angel. My money is on the emperor.
I am aware that some people have had success with Emperors in reef tanks. I have not tried it myself but will probably do so if I ever get a bigger reef tank going.
I have heard several stories of angels ridding tanks of aptasia. I went with a pearlscale mainly due to it's size and that it was a bit less of a risk than a raccoon butterfly would be. Even though I have a large tank, I already have several large fish to include a Naso, ****** trigger, One spot foxface, orange spot foxface, Copperband butterfly and purple, yellow, kole, and indian mimic tangs. Also a few smaller fish. I didn't want to add another large fish, so I went with the pearlscale which will stay relatively small. However, if he doesn't start eating the aptasia, I will have to add either the raccoon or maybe an angel. My tank is being over run with aptasia so I will have to do something here soon.
it might be suicide for them because of your livestock but the best thing for a natural way of getting rid of them is to buy peppermint shrimp just release them at night when ur lights are out so they will have a chance. they will go right for them once they are comfortable.
I went the shrimp route before, tried sneaking twelve in one night, they were an expensive snack. My flame hawk thanked me though. I did add 20 berghia a few weeks back to try them, but haven't seen any of them for about a week now. I think trying various fish is my only option besides tossing out all my rock and starting over. That is not an option.
I went the Joe's juice route, kills them but it comes back. Tried lemon juice, killed them, they came back. Tried vinegar, killed them, came back. I have 2 peppermint shrimp that are more scared I think to roam versus helping my cause. They have been in the tank for over a month.
I'm up for more options but it gets expensive since a small cbb at my LFS is about $65.00.
I'll have to check into the others mentioned...
I'd like to suggest trying the Threadfin (Auriga) Butterfly again. These are pretty spunky butterfly fish that I have had pretty good results with. Never attacked a living coral or invert. I'm not sure how soon he'd get rid of ALL your aptasia, but mine almost immediately went for it once he got comfortable. Although you may have eliminated this possibility as far as compatibility with your other fish.

BTW, I'm going to assume that you just didn't know but the Trigger fish you referred to earlier is called a NIGER (pronounced Nie-jer) Trigger, which is also a country in Africa. The "other" word that you PC'd out is spelled with 2 g's, total different pronunciation. :lol:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8075260#post8075260 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by oroborus
here it is: Berghia verrucicornis

these guys can be added to the tank directly or preferably into your sump with some aiptasia in their, then the larvae will release to the tank. Voila!
Have to say i have used this method, but i believe it works, but these nudis are difficult to get. But if you breed them in your sump then you will have a continuous supply to maintain control. It also wont matter if a few end as lunch to your trigger and/or other crustacea.
Good luck
Yep, putting these guys in the display is just feeding the fishes, moving rocks down to the sump for cleaning and returning them to display does work, as the Nudis' populate the sump, hitchikers will end up in display anyway (they breed like crazy)

Sure feel for you however, I had to deal with this in a large tank and it is a nightmare...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8148753#post8148753 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jgsensor
I have heard several stories of angels ridding tanks of aptasia…..
I am not sure about all angels as I have a reasonably sized Regal Angel in my reef and he couldn't care less about Aiptasia. I was wondering if he might develop a taste but after 14 months I think it is safe to say he doesn't fancy them.

I was actually happy about this as I wanted a Copperband anyway and held off getting one until I had a good enough population of Aiptasia to, along with the tubeworms, keep it going until it got used to the normal tank food which, after about 1.5 months, it is now starting to do.

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Why don't you remove the copperband you have now and try a different one. Mine ate ALL of my aptasia in my 90 in one day! I realize that your tank is much larger but copperbands are the way to go.

good luck!
Auriga Butterfly

Auriga Butterfly

My 600 gallon reeftank is starting to develop a few Aiptasia too and I've been trying my best to inject them with a sharp needle and a ro/di solution of disolved Kalkwasser to kick them with a pH of 12.5 before they get out of control. It does a fine job but the Auriga Butterfly looks like an interesting approach. I've got a CBB with no interest in Aiptasia. I also have a Racoon Butterfly and I would be afraid that the two fishes would tangle even in this large tank since they both have similar characteristics. I've tried the peppermint shrimp approach but I'd almost need hundreds to cover the amount of rock in this tank.
Re: Auriga Butterfly

Re: Auriga Butterfly

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8175835#post8175835 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by mushroom hater
My 600 gallon reeftank is starting to develop a few Aiptasia too and I've been trying my best to inject them with a sharp needle and a ro/di solution of disolved Kalkwasser to kick them with a pH of 12.5 before they get out of control.
Yes, a large tank and a needle is pretty futile... hey could you post some pics of your tank?

Re: Re: Auriga Butterfly

Re: Re: Auriga Butterfly

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8179019#post8179019 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Randall_James
Yes, a large tank and a needle is pretty futile... hey could you post some pics of your tank?


Here's only two photos up on the gallery right now...check out my clam...my hammer is just as big as the clam
Bguile - Still consideing that thread fin or a raccoon, just giving the pearlscale a few weeks to see if he makes a dent. He is a bit on the small side so I am giving him a bit of time, but I haven't noticed him munching yet. As far as the trigger goes...ya I know the spelling and what they are called, but I never claimed to be a good typist and late at night just gets worse. Thanks for the correction though, I didn't even notice it, I guess somebody did. Sorry.

Waxxiemann - the only way to catch my CBB in this size tank is to dismantle it - not an option. Besides he is extremely healthy and the wife likes him.
I have a mix of SPS and LPS (mostly LPS) in my tank, and have started to develop some aptasia. It appears to be reproducing at an alarming rate.

I am following this thread with interest...I thought butterflys would nip at corals?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8183223#post8183223 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Michelle L
I have a mix of SPS and LPS (mostly LPS) in my tank, and have started to develop some aptasia. It appears to be reproducing at an alarming rate.

I am following this thread with interest...I thought butterflys would nip at corals?
It's reported that the majority of them do. However, I don't know of any species that doesn't have it's exceptions.