Aqua clear - is it a sham?


New member
Found this on sale at E-bay, will this save all our aquariums, or ?!?
I don't know who sells it, but it's basically just a small tube that you pass the water through.


75% reduction in water changes
50% to 60% reduction in green algae
Over 50% reduction in brown and red slime algae
Keeps water crystal clear Year-round
Eliminates cloudy and yellowing of water
Increases bio-availability of Oxygen
Stabilizes pH levels
30% increase in O.R.P. levels
Prevents & Cures Diseases and Parasites
Reduces build-up of detritus
Reduces cleaning & maintenance needs
Reduces ICH disease by over 80%
Info taken from another site..
Doesn't this sound like the Eco-Aqualizer, or Aqua-ecolizer, or whatever that silly magnet device was? Supposedly, with only magnets, it fixed everything from world starvation, to raising the Titanic. And all for $30...


Check this out:

They were, how to say this politely, unimpressed....

I am kind of a gadget geek; so I was curious at first, but after reading their descriptions, it kinda cured a little bit too much, without any filtration, work, electricity, etc. It's just a little too far fetched for my tastes. These guys supposedly presented at IMAC 2003, or MASNA 2003 or something in 2003, and then strangely fell off the face of the earth...

Just my $.02; spend your $30 or so dollars on another bucket of Instant Ocean, the water change will getcha farther than some snakeoil....
