Aqua Culture Okinawa

Cement is a fairly poor insulator. Besides, they're getting most of their heat from sunlight. The heat gain due to ambient air convection is a lot less. They must be turning those tanks over 4-5x per day to keep the temp down.
Wow, that is cool.

In Kenner, LA they have a LFS called Coral Connection & in the upstairs part they have a prop room that gets natural sunlight. Just the roof was cut out & glass put up there. They only have one tank, it is also made out of cement. Sort of the same on a smaller level.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9007964#post9007964 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by RRodrigues
Really nice vest0830, thank you for sharing. Do you know from where they get the sperm and egs to produce the clams? How many watts have the bulbs in the display tanks?

All you need is a few mature clams and the expertise :) Most mature clams can produce millions of babies every few months if you prep them and keep em happy.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9015521#post9015521 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by vest0830
the water is filtered in from a saltwatwater well and then drained directly into the ocean. They do have skimmers and they run all of the time, however they arent the size you would think they would be.

if you look at the 'air lifts working' picture, you can see the skimmer on the large holding tank and you can see the skimmer in the background on the 'display tank' picture.

but the constant water change im sure helps out a ton. especially with air lifts running...but skimming was my first thought when I first went to the place. Hes doing somethig right though, those tanks are full of healthy coral.

The lack of large skimmers kind of seems like a no-brainer. With constant water turn-over/water change, what better nutrient import and waste export could you ask for as long as the incoming water doesn't contain any contaminants. As a matter of fact, why would they need skimmers at all????? Seems to me they would only be skimming waste out of the water column just to send the cleaner water back to the sea.
1st research Experiments On farmed corals

1st research Experiments On farmed corals

In 2006, as a member of the Ryukyus university research group, of Prof. T. Oomori, we did the 1st experiments on the farmed corals...I did my daily work (3 days/week), from 9 am - 6 pm..taking regular measurements, taking care of all the tanks, corals, the skimmers....doing experimental designs, settings....was a nice memories with Taira san (farm owner), Sato san.
all best regards,
Dr. Mohamed Ismail
Lecturer, Marine Sciences dept., Fac., Science, Port Said, Egypt
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