So... it is modyfied twin
Can we speak abouth tweaking, or beter said, runing for a first time, when I was puting in use my "twin" it overflows a cup, than I stoped the skimer, low the level of the water in the reaction chamber, and run it again, this I done several times before stop the overflowing.
How do you feed your "modifyed twin" direct water from a dislay or with an dedeicated pump?
Can we speak abouth tweaking, or beter said, runing for a first time, when I was puting in use my "twin" it overflows a cup, than I stoped the skimer, low the level of the water in the reaction chamber, and run it again, this I done several times before stop the overflowing.
How do you feed your "modifyed twin" direct water from a dislay or with an dedeicated pump?