Aqua Medic T-5000 Baby

So... it is modyfied twin :)
Can we speak abouth tweaking, or beter said, runing for a first time, when I was puting in use my "twin" it overflows a cup, than I stoped the skimer, low the level of the water in the reaction chamber, and run it again, this I done several times before stop the overflowing.

How do you feed your "modifyed twin" direct water from a dislay or with an dedeicated pump?
Well, the single is essentially a twin except it runs on one OR instead of two.

A overflowing of the twin can be prevented by using a small tap or regulation valve to regulate the air intake; that helps most of the time.

Another way to prevent overflows is to shut down one of the ORs for a while until the over foaming stops .... I have been running my single since Nov 05 and have not had over foaming except when the snails were spawning.

I use a dedicated feed pump and I prefer the higher limits of flow rate at 5,000 liters per hour feeding (Aqua Medic recommends flow of 2,000 to 5,000 liters per hour) .

Actually, I use a SICCE Mulit 5,800 liters per hour (in the US you can use the Quiet Ones or the Tunze as they are OEM manufactured by SICCE).

It is possible to feed directly from the over flow water from the main tank thus not requiring a feed pump.

But you need to get the correct amount of flow; for example, the T5000 shorty that comes with the reef 2000 system requires at least 2 return pump flow of 2 OR 3500 to make it work; anything lesser it will not work well.
I'm very satsisfied with Aqumedic skimmers, I use several of them, also my company is distributor for Macedonia of Aqua Medic. They very worth of the money.