AquaC EV120


New member
Should have asked this here to begin with...

Found an AquaC EV120 used at the lfs w/out pump for 149.99. They recommend using mag9.5 with it. This will be used on a 75 gal mixed sps this worth the money/good enough skimmer for this type of tank?
Sounds like a good deal to me. The mag 9.5 might be a little strong though. You should put a valve after the pump so you can control the flow or go with a mag 7.
I would use a mag 7, since the 9.5 is the recommended upgrade for the EV 180. If you don't mind extra noise or electricity, you can simply "throttle" it down with a valve.
I have a Mag 7 on my AquaC 120. Seems to be about the right pump. It is nearly plug and play, with very little adjsuting needed. IIRC, they recommend the Mag 5 for the 120, and it was underpowered IMO. They also used to recommend the Rio2100. It worked better with the Rio 2500. But I've had several Rios fail on me over the years, so I prefer the Mag pumps.

In short, go with a Mag 7.
I have a 120 with a mag 5 it is under powered I have a mag 7 ordered.