Aquacontroller and streams


Premium Member
Hey Roger, quick question before making a decision about my purchase.

Can the 6000 or the 6100 be controlled by an Aquacontroller II?
No. The Streams are controlled through a 5pin DIN interface running at 8V on the proprietary driver unit. Control requires a Tunze 7091 Single Controller or a 7094 Multicontroller.
Yes, it is a special controller that modulates the computer that comes with the pump.
moonpod: Thanks for confirming that part ;) I guess the question I need to ask is can the aquacontroller be used as more than a glorified "switch" in this instance. Can it be used as a modulator too?

By the way, I do not yet have an aquacontroller, but was in the market for both the controller and pumps, and thought that I may be able to simplify my set-up, and cost.
No cannot modulate. Like you said glorified on/off switch. The ACII is useful for a lot of things among others simple wave making.
Keep in mind that the non electronic pumps or electronic pumps used on other wavemakers can only be cycled on and off once per hour.

We have considered making an all in one controller and even had a prototype but I recall Norbert Tunze took a very harsh view of this concept saying that if one piece of equipment failed the entire aquarium would fail and it was to risky to rely on one system to control every critical parameter- for this reason it was never made. We have reconsidered the idea and perhaps someday we will have such a controller if we can work in enough safeties and redundancies. The heart of these systems is the simple fact that Redox and Ph essentially are measured with the same systems and Conductivity requires temperature compensation so really 2 circuits could run all four parameters. Everything else from lighting to wavemaking is really a simple timer function. We still feel though that while a failure resulting in only a depressed pH would not be lethal, if this same failure resulted in a redox problem and a temperature problem the effects could be disastrous. Regarding our wavecontrollers they are specifically designed to take advantage of the unique speed control features of the electronic pumps and no other controller can do this.
Thank you both for your informative replies. :) Hum, maybe that long-rumored aqua III.....

The pumps are back-ordered anyway, so I have time to make my decision. Thanks again.
Now, why would you buy a pump system capable of sophisticated speed control, rather than on and off operation the pump speeds up and slows down, and then choose to run on it primitive controls that only turn it off and on and cost the same amount of money? Is it just me or is this like buying a Ferrari and installing a VW engine in it?
Roger, my gripe is not just with the product you represent, but with the redunancy in equipment needed in this "hobby." I would like a single controller to do it all! I initially posted this question to you, because I am in process of purchasing both (6100 and aquacontroller) and would have preferred to have one brain in the operation of my reef.

I have seen both products in action, and have tried to learn as much about each as possible, to make an informed decision on where to spend my money.

If my aggreement with bergzy stating "that sucks" is taken as a personal attack, I would apologize, but that is not what was meant. The fact remains, since you have not suggested an alternative, that two computers are needed for operation. That indeed still sucks. I could only hope that the "primative controls" you mentioned are being addressed and upgraded to match your product specifications.

Thanks for your help

I am sorry I was harsh. Yes, I did take offense because I felt it was being implied that we are trying to lock people out of making a product or force people to buy our product. I don't believe there is anything preventing anyone from making their controllers compatible. The manual does read that using a non Tunze controller does void the warranty but frankly just about every electronics manufacturer from Nintendo to Apple have some exclusion of warranty for using non official peripherals. The basic problem for a controller manufacturer is that these pumps represent a very small market so it is not feasible to modify the designs for the thousand or so customers worldwide that would be able to use the controller especially if they figure less than 1/3rd of those would be in the market for a controller. Thanks for your support and again I am sorry if I seemed rude but I really do feel we make a good product and when you see the features of the pumps and controllers used together it is hard not to be impressed.
No sweat! I have already decided to purchase the 6100. thanks again for your help and dedication to the forum.

One more question though, I have an oceanic 105 RR with oceanic cap; what, if any, attachment will I need to attach the unit.
The 3000.244 will allow attachment to the backwall. Unfortunately, the cap will interfere with attachment to the sidewall. Alternatively, the delivered holder will allow attachment to the overflow box. With some ingenuity attachment to the canopy will be possible, lots of people just attach the rail to the canopy itself. The 6100 is quite alot of flow for a 105, you will likely need to throttle it back some but even without the controller this can be accomplished with a small slotted screwdriver and an adjustment port on the included driver box. The minimum flow possible is about 1000gph, if and when you get a controller you will need to turn this back to full power before installing the controller.
Thanks Roger. I will also be purchasing the controller. My reasoning in buying the 6100 is future proof -- when i upgrade to my next tank! Do have quite a bit of rock in my tank, so I think/hope this will ok. My T4 runs close to 1000 gl/h and that is with direct flow!

As far as attachment, i was thinking of rigging something to the wood cap itself in order to direct the stream down the length of the tank.

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