Aquaforest lineup for sale

If one drop of amino is causing RTN I would be willing to bet you have much bigger problems and the timing is just inconvenient.
If one drop of amino is causing RTN I would be willing to bet you have much bigger problems and the timing is just inconvenient.

I have a similar experience. It is acropower + pohl extra cause my red planet to rtn. I noticed it 3 times, rtn with 48 hrs of dosing them, rtn to only red planet other sps seems fine. I have not test each of them separately.
Eg8r210 I invite you to come over and tell me what I am doing wrong. I have been trying to figure it out for probably 15 years. I have what everyone says is a beautiful reef tank. I say its marginal but corals are growing well for the most part and none are brown.
Honestly I could use the help. I have chatted with many owners of long standing and reputable companies about it on many occassions and all are baffled.
I have been through 6 or 7 tank changes over 20 plus years and all that I have tried aminos on are the same. Not all brands are as potent as say zeo and it might take 1/2 a ml when 10 to 20ml are recommended. Not sure of the acropower dose on a 250g is off the top of my head but 1/2 ml shouldn't do damage.

4 times I have sold absolutely everything and took a break and started over. New rock, fish, coral, salt brands, lights.
If you can think of anything please let me know. :-)
Yeah thanks for the links. I have thought of just about everything. Not sure how I would end up with the exact strain of bacteria in all of my tanks years apart and even in different houses. Everything is different/new except me. I can't wear wind up watches or I will stop them dead so I just figure its. me :) Glad I can keep a decent reef without amino's but I know I could tip the scales to amazing with them. Oh well.
I do not know if it was the amino, it could have been any of the additives. I spoke with some one today who had the exact same experience I did. Even said they used 1 drop. I am willing to sell all comp123 and the additives for $40 if anyone wants it, you might have better luck. All the bottles are 99% full.
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Comp123, np pro, pro bio s and the additives (AF aminos, build, energy and vitamins) all for $40, normally cost $110. All the bottles are 99% full.
Good luck with sale, I tried giving my product line away before eventually putting it out for the garbage man.
@Bryans4, I seen your thread and experience with AF before I started with AF. I was hoping your experience was just one off. I went and bought a new bucket of red sea salt (blue bucket) today and did a 40% water change. I will do another 40% in a couple days to hopefully flush out whatever caused my corals to react badly.
If you want just good clean salt and as pure elements as are available ReefAddicted in Lakeland is a Reefgrow dealer. He will have salt soon.
I have been using their supplements well over a year and the salt since February with good results as long as I don't do something stupid.