Aqualight 150 Watt HQI Tank Mount Pendant


New member
I am in the market for the Aqualight 150 Watt HQI Tank Mount Pendant and was pleased to see that Premium has it for $10 less than anywhere else that I can find. I have two question about it though. First off, what brand bulb does it come with? And second, would it be possible to substitute in a 14000K or 15000K bulb instead?

I am thinking about upgrading my Oceanic 30g Cube to the point that I can keep an anemone in it and some higher light requirement LPS.
That comes with a Coralife brand bulb. You could use a 14000K bulb, but the unit is sold with the original coralife bulb. You'd have to buy an aditional bulb to get a 14k. JBJ is also coming out with some Viper lights you might want to consider.
Jay, when the viper lights come out can you given an opinion on the quality of the fixture, particularly the reflector, with compare to the Aqualight?

I have a 12g jbj cube I am considering lighting options on. I want to buy something that I can use if I upgrade to a larger system in the future. I'm thinking the 150 watter might serve my purposes in this respect (hopefully not too much for the 12g tank.) But, I want to make sure I get a quality fixture, and reflectors are very important so it's tough to pick sight unseen. I would appreciate any help (even via pm or phone.) Personally, I would prefer the 14k bulb, but don't want to get the JBJ fixture if it isn't as high quality as the Aqualight.

I'll be glad to let you know. Email me at with a reminder, and I'll reply as soon as I see the pendants. In my opinion, it wouldn't be very hard to beat the Coralife pendant in quality. I plan on putting the 70 watt pendant over my 24g nano when I set it up again.