Aqualight pro 150w convert to 250w possible?


New member
First off, I have a 50g mixed reef with the aqualight pro 24" 150w mh 2x65w pc (280w). Tank is 18in deep, 30in long, and chiller installed.
My corals are growing ok, but is there an advantage of upgrading to 250w(fast growth, enhanced colors)?
My main question is, can i simply buy a 250w ballast and 250w bulb and replace the 150w ballast and 150w bulb on my existing aqualight fixture?

aqualight ballast 250w (replacement for the 250 model, I think it would be plug and play with my fixture and new 250w bulb)

Vertex 250W Watts

lumatek 250w

help appreciated.
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The short answer is yes you can. I did it to my 48" fixture. What you need to do is check the part numbers on the fixtures in your owners manual. Mainly that the cooling fan is the same size. The reflectors have enough room. Yuo will need 250w bulb ends. Does the 24" fixture come in a 250w model?

Honestly though, not so sure you need a 250w. It's a shallow tank and 150w is good.