Reef and Coral Fanatic
Just ordered one curious on where I am in line.
Just ordered one curious on where I am in line.
Just wanted to see if there was an update...
Just wanted to see if there was an update...
Thanks for the update, I'm eagerly awaiting the CO-3
Any status update?
Thank you for your patience. I was still awaiting a status update when you posted your second inquiry. Our shipment from AquaMaxx will be delivered tomorrow morning. Hopefully we can begin fulfilling orders tomorrow as well! :fish1:
This is Awesome! Cannot wait for it, I am in desperate need of a new skimmer.
So order number: 101623120 will be shipped with what you are getting in tomorrow.
It shipped! It shipped! Woohoo
No Aquamax cones on website?
No Aquamax cones on website?
Yes whats up with that?
I've been visiting the site everyday for the past month in hopes of getting on the list for a HOB-1 and CO-1.