Aquamedic pendant halide light shield


New member
I ran this over in the lighting section also - could find no rule against doing so, sorry if it's not allowed.

I have an Aquamedic 250 HQI halide pendant which is missing the glass shield over the bulb. Anyone know where I can order one? I've struck out on the 'net. Also - I understand HQI bulbs need the shield to protect critters from UV. Is there a specific glass I must use for this shielding? Is this shielding completely necessary? I could scavenge a shield from a 150 watt pendant I'm not using.
You can get any piece of halide-rated glass cut to fit... don't try a DIY fix unless you can work with tempered glass, or you'll end up shattering your replacement.
I had 3 panes cut for old JBJ Vipers, the glass company only charged me $7.50 each.
Thanks for the replies, folks! I sure appreciate it.
My local glass store sends all glass away to be tempered. The locals cut it to fit, then send it off. Takes 10 days to get the finished result. And they may not even fool with such a small piece. As they told me, you must cut to fit, then temper. I really don't believe the locals know much about the use of tempered glass - the guy I spoke with suggested what I had was "sandwich" glass, i.e. safety glass for automotive use (Lord! What would THAT cost?). Not the case - and I told him I doubted the plastic used in the middle of safety glass would work out in the high heat of halide light.