Aquarium garage sale coming soon!

Why not have a sale at neuroslicer's house on the 9th, and whatever is left over, take to the meeting at Vicki's. That way you catch all the Memphis and Jackson people. Unfortunately, with my job and working at Kermit's on Saturday's, I don't guess I will be able to make it to either one. I guess I will just have to relist my stuff here.

Teena - if you could, check on the price for renting the VFW...may be a good place for a frag swap in the future.
If you have a dry goods sale here and a frag swap at the meeting might be more of an incintive to attend the meeting!!!
Its settled! The dry goods "BLOWOUT" will be at Dr Jay's house. September 9th starting at 9 AM (NO EARLYBIRDS!). I'll get the ad in the paper. I'll need to have EVERYONE who's selling anything to bring your goods to Jay's house Friday so it can be moved out Saturday morning. If you will not be present to sell your goods you can have a member sell them on your behalf (proxy) but I don't want that to cause any problems later so Make sure that you both agree on a selling plan. All items should be clearly marked with any pertinant info and price. If you are willing to compromise a price be sure to either mark the item, inform the proxy, or be present to sell your items. I'll ask that everyone keep a separate bank or a detailed list for proxy's. End time will be at 6PM. I hope that everyone will donate a little something to the good Doctor for allowing us to use his house. I'm gonna give him a frag!
Sounds like a plan! The address is 3194 Lammermuir Road, Memphis 38128, and a map to our house can be found at:

It's just off I-40 Exit 6 (go north on Warford Road). Phone number is 357-7016. Just no more jokes about my empty garage! (I get my DI water from my lab!).

I hope we get a crowd. Barrett, do you think an ad in the Jackson paper would help? How about posts in some of the other regional aquarium forums?

Rendos Ill check on the VFW for the furture, also i have a lunch room size table if yall need it for the sale, i also have some corvette rims hanging on the wall in my garage i could sale, but then what would i hang my fishing poles on,
I will bring my stuff by Friday afternoon. I will need a proxy since I cannot attend. I hope Barrett will be there...if not, I will need someone else to be my proxy. B - let me know if you are going to be there.

Teena - thanks.
I've been in the garage since 4 today and MAN do I have some junk! Oh, and a little FYI Andy, that rock is gettin' ROCKED! I sold your first piece and your first money is burning a hole in my pocket. The Ozone is kickin the algae's collective hind quarters. I might have you come over one afternoon for a celebratory rock scrubbin'!
P.S. I think that rock will be ready in another week.
Well hold off selling anymore cause tenna just bought all the rock in my holding tank. I will probably now need it all for the 225.