New member
Sucked in by d2mini's build thread, I decided I needed to join this site. So, I did and here I am.
To give a quick backstory, a 5 or so months ago, my 2 year old son seemed to be really in to fish. So I did want any parent would do and aimlessly wander in to your local chain pets store and talk to whatever high school student was standing by the fish.
Knowing what I've learned in this time, I was luckily enough to have someone who basically hinted that I should really be doing a nitrogen cycle, but hey, here's a betta because they don't really give a **** what you put them in. That ended up being true as that fish is still trucking along in my FW tank. They said to let that go for a few weeks and then start adding fish. Did and did. So, I started adding fish. After a few months of this and researching why the hell I kept losing some fish and not others, I found myself kind of drawn in to the hobby. Sorry little one, you get to now reap the benefits of daddy's new hobby.
Fast foward to today. I still have the freshwater tank running with 3 cory cats, a sword tail andddd ******* betta fish still on time out in a different tank.
That said, after spending the last 4 months or so researching things constantly, I decided about a month ago to start a new adventure, a salt water tank :bounce3:
In this thread, I figured I'd just take everyone along with me as I ask stupid questions, post pictures of things a quick google search can answer and overall journal something that a few years from now I can hopefully go back and quote what a stupid thing I did as I continue to learn...
So let's begin...
A month back I bought a 75 gallon tank, ended up getting it for a pretty good deal. To go along with the tank I got a;
Hydor Pro 350 Canister Filter
Hydor ETH 300 in-line external heater
Current USA Satellite Freshwater LED Plus lights
Some instant Ocean Bio-Spira
a 100GpD Ro/Di filter
After those arrived, I headed out to the LFS and picked up some live-sand and began my journey
ever....slowly....creating... water...
I'm making progress, this was several, several hours of adding water.
Some of the nifty things I found in the sand(to which now I laugh at how many more "NIFTY" things I've found in the sand)
I stayed up until 4 AM that day just to finally get this thing filled to where I did, LOL. It was a very rough morning, but screw it, the tank was officially running and it was game on
After the tank was running for a week or so, I decided to venture off to the local fish store and ended up coming home with about 70lbs worth of live rock. I also added a HOB Oct Protein Skimmer
During this time, I had tried the shrimp method, and I truly couldn't get the ammonia to spike. Couldn't find any nitrites, but was seeing some nitrates.I was creating some nitrates, but I really wanted to get an ammonia spike. So, I bought some ammonium and threw it in the tank. After about a week, I am now at the point where it has rid itself of 2ppm of ammonia in 24 hours and nitrites shortly after that.
The plan now is to do a water change tomorrow morning and then head off to the LFS and pick up 2 clown fish(Remember, the 2 year old, he comes in to play on this decision, NEMO!!!!!!).
To give a quick backstory, a 5 or so months ago, my 2 year old son seemed to be really in to fish. So I did want any parent would do and aimlessly wander in to your local chain pets store and talk to whatever high school student was standing by the fish.
Knowing what I've learned in this time, I was luckily enough to have someone who basically hinted that I should really be doing a nitrogen cycle, but hey, here's a betta because they don't really give a **** what you put them in. That ended up being true as that fish is still trucking along in my FW tank. They said to let that go for a few weeks and then start adding fish. Did and did. So, I started adding fish. After a few months of this and researching why the hell I kept losing some fish and not others, I found myself kind of drawn in to the hobby. Sorry little one, you get to now reap the benefits of daddy's new hobby.
Fast foward to today. I still have the freshwater tank running with 3 cory cats, a sword tail andddd ******* betta fish still on time out in a different tank.
That said, after spending the last 4 months or so researching things constantly, I decided about a month ago to start a new adventure, a salt water tank :bounce3:
In this thread, I figured I'd just take everyone along with me as I ask stupid questions, post pictures of things a quick google search can answer and overall journal something that a few years from now I can hopefully go back and quote what a stupid thing I did as I continue to learn...
So let's begin...
A month back I bought a 75 gallon tank, ended up getting it for a pretty good deal. To go along with the tank I got a;
Hydor Pro 350 Canister Filter
Hydor ETH 300 in-line external heater
Current USA Satellite Freshwater LED Plus lights
Some instant Ocean Bio-Spira
a 100GpD Ro/Di filter
After those arrived, I headed out to the LFS and picked up some live-sand and began my journey

ever....slowly....creating... water...

I'm making progress, this was several, several hours of adding water.

Some of the nifty things I found in the sand(to which now I laugh at how many more "NIFTY" things I've found in the sand)

I stayed up until 4 AM that day just to finally get this thing filled to where I did, LOL. It was a very rough morning, but screw it, the tank was officially running and it was game on

After the tank was running for a week or so, I decided to venture off to the local fish store and ended up coming home with about 70lbs worth of live rock. I also added a HOB Oct Protein Skimmer

During this time, I had tried the shrimp method, and I truly couldn't get the ammonia to spike. Couldn't find any nitrites, but was seeing some nitrates.I was creating some nitrates, but I really wanted to get an ammonia spike. So, I bought some ammonium and threw it in the tank. After about a week, I am now at the point where it has rid itself of 2ppm of ammonia in 24 hours and nitrites shortly after that.
The plan now is to do a water change tomorrow morning and then head off to the LFS and pick up 2 clown fish(Remember, the 2 year old, he comes in to play on this decision, NEMO!!!!!!).