Aquarium Newb takes on the fish world - Come watch me grow.

Did you get tonga nassarius snails? 2 isn't much if they are the small ones

These snails are pretty big, the shell is over an inch, their bodies is over 2" probably.

Some bad cell phone pic updates:

Went and bought 5 chromis and immediately I noticed a red mark on one of them. I started treating them, but it was two late. I lost two of them to uronema. The remaining 3 have been healthy for a few days now with zero signs of symptoms.


The fox face has been added to the DT, he's doing great and any algae that I did have is quickly vanishing

Hammer is looking great

My latest addition a Rose Bubble Tip, I am hoping the clowns host it, but I won't hold my breath.
I think the PVC will be too weak to hold much of a fixture. You could use t slot aluminum to build some hanger arms and attach them to the back of the stand. Just a thought!
I think the PVC will be too weak to hold much of a fixture. You could use t slot aluminum to build some hanger arms and attach them to the back of the stand. Just a thought!

It was, I built a stand out of metal conduit. It's been working great so far. I should have built it a little higher though, I can't exactly open the glass tops without hitting them, so whenever I have to do work on the tank I have to remove the glass
It's been awhile since I've updated anything(sheesh, almost a year ago)

Some stuff has changed since I last posted. I went from my own bent conduit as a light holder

to an TMS rail

to adding 2 AI Hydra TwentySix HD's


I had a ton of algae issues that basically made me not want to take pictures, but now the algae issues have mostly subsided, though there are still some patches that I am battling.

Some of my old coral is still recovering from all the damage that was caused to get to this point(basically starvation) but overall they're showing good growth


This stylophora had every polyp eaten off of it the first day I put it in the tank. The peppermint shrimp went to town on it. It was completely white and I almost tossed it. something in my decided to keep it in there in hopes that it'll grow back. It is returning nicely :banana:

This hammer likely needs to move down. I had my old lights so close to the tank that up high if it was off to the side wasn't in the direct light. This thing seems a little mad.

reverse superman monti
A few acro's I've added

This one is still acclimating so it's on the floor

Just fed Duncan and a bluespot

And on to the fish that all seem happy






Love the fish you have put in your tank! We are slowly working on a 75g build, so I'm stalking other 75s LOL. We just picked up a tank that we will build as a sump tank yesterday. We are waiting for some warmer weather before we attempt to drill for plumbing. Gotta love Michigan weather :(
Haha, I have come to the realization that I love builds so that's awesome! Be sure to post the progress! and ya, I can't say that I ever want to experience a winter outside of California... lol
Haha, I have come to the realization that I love builds so that's awesome! Be sure to post the progress! and ya, I can't say that I ever want to experience a winter outside of California... lol

I am planning to post a build thread once we officially get started. There's a good chance it will be many months before it gets wet :( I blame kids and life. LOL. As for winter outside of CA...I have an uncle that moved from MI to San Mateo and he refuses to come visit during winter months :lol:
Was a pretty busy weekend where I spent way too much money. Here are pics of some new ones, some old and there's a few new ones that I couldn't get a good pic of that I'll have to snag another day


New - Red Dragon Acro

New - YR Grape Frogspawn

New - Bubble Gum Digi


New - Wolverine Acro


New - JF Neon Green Lepto
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Lol I have a small business based in the San Mateo area. The SF bay peninsula probably has the best weather in the entire state

Crazy going from MI to San Mateo. Usually it's people fleeing the area due to the prohibitive cost of everything. The tech industry has made the entire area so crazy $$ wise

I am planning to post a build thread once we officially get started. There's a good chance it will be many months before it gets wet :( I blame kids and life. LOL. As for winter outside of CA...I have an uncle that moved from MI to San Mateo and he refuses to come visit during winter months :lol:
Lol I have a small business based in the San Mateo area. The SF bay peninsula probably has the best weather in the entire state

Crazy going from MI to San Mateo. Usually it's people fleeing the area due to the prohibitive cost of everything. The tech industry has made the entire area so crazy $$ wise

He moved out there 30 years ago, so I think he beat the tech boom. It is a gorgeous area! Weather is much better than MI and I think he was trying to escape our crazy famliy :lol:
Welp, it has been a really long time since I've given some updated pics. Just cell phone pics today, maybe this weekend I can take pics while the color is better

Finally got the hair algae under control, some corals are still not very happy about all of that, but they'll be fine.









