aquascaping pix


New member
I just got a custom built tank...its about 128 gallons.

6'x2'x17" basically a 180 but shorter.

Anyway, I was wondering if anyone else had sps tanks this shallow and I could see pix. Trying to think how to scape this thing.

Thanx everyone
I bought it this way, I would have had it built taller. But It looks neat.

I am mounting 3 250w MH, and they are about 14 inches off the surface...I figured that would be plenty
good suggestion..I have a couple of shelf rocks...but most of it is marshall island...I think I can make it look cool. My old sytem was so full of rocks...that it took up the whole tank. I'm wanting it to be more open this time.
Leave some space in the middle. Go easy on the rock and make a couple of islands so you can put your corals all the way around.
Here is my 150 gallon. 6' x 2' x 20" Lit up with 400W 20K.

Justin, my tank is also just under 20" tall and I decided to ONLY buy very large pieces of Marshall Island. Pieces are about 12" tall and 12+" long. I don't have to stack any rocks and it looks GREAT if I do say so myself. I got the idea from Invincible and many Japanese tanks. I was having a conversation with gcarroll about low aquascaping and he is convinced that lower rockwork also reduces the risk of fish jumping. My experience is exactly the same.

This pic is old but there are only 3 rocks or so in there. Now there are about 5. The beauty of MI is that you can get BIG, beautiful pieces - water flows THRU it - its very sturdy - and SPS sit right in there like an eggcrate rack. :D One day I hope it looks full like my good friend KirstenK ;)



Two shots of Edward's tank b4 & after (invincible569)


somedays...I hope my sps will color that good...anyways, what happened to powder brown tang?
Invincible used smaller rocks and so did I. I agree with Fliger, start your scape off low. I did not and have had to rescape more than once. This has not been a problem with the smaller rock as I can move entire pieces with corals attached.
Thanx guys for the replys. I also have nothing but MI should be fun. This is exactly what I was thinking of doing. So glad to hear. Thanx again