Are (2) 6105's too much for a 120g?


New member
I have a 48x24x24 120 gallon mixed reef, I have LR that goes 2/3 up the back and sides. I was wondering if (2) 6105's are over kill. I have them on either end and rotate them 4 hours each in wave1. I also do an hour each duskdawn in the morning and evening before & after the wave cycle.

My question is, what do you think would be the best placement? Position, height and angle?

The profiles below are blowing the Sh** out of everything. My RBTA get blown in half.

Pump Profiles:
Wave 1
Synchronize Enabled
Divide by 10 Enabled
Initial off time (Seconds) 0
On time (Seconds) 7
Off time (Seconds) 4
Minimum intensity 0
Maximum intensity 80

Synchronize Disabled
Divide by 10 Disabled
Initial off time (Seconds) 0
On time (Seconds) 10
Off time (Seconds) 15
Minimum intensity 30
Maximum intensity 50

Synchronize Enabled
Divide by 10 Enabled
Initial off time (Seconds) 0
On time (Seconds) 7
Off time (Seconds) 4
Minimum intensity 0
Maximum intensity 50
Did you try changing the voltage switch to a lower setting?

I do know what you mean though. I have a pair of 6055s on my 120 that I had to dial down.
I think 12V is the key. That would reduce the maximum flow to about 1700 gph, as it is 80% is about 1900. I am not very familiar with controllers besides our own but from what I can gather the program looks very chaotic and intense, I might suggest simple one pump in each back corner aimed to hit the front 3ft away, pumps about 8" from the top and 6 hrs between pumps with one pump idling at 30% for 6hrs and the other pulsing from 30% to the highest your corals can handle every few seconds, off to on may be a bit choppy and abrupt vs a change in speed and at 12V, 30% they only are doing about 500gph.
Which covers are you using...the marrow or wider outlet one?

I use 2-6105s on my 120 with the wide covers, and the flow is not too strong for most anything.
I am using the wide. It was mostly positioning, I moved the Heads and switched to 12v and now everything is happy.


When one of my pumps goes into feed mode it doesn't come back on. I switched control leads to the other and it works fine. I have to mess with the power and control cables to get it to come back on. Roger??
IIRC, the Apex to stream cables did not fully plug into the Tunze female plug because the plastic gets in the way on the cable. You can get a razor and carefully trim about a millimeter of the plast off the apex to stream cable....essentially making the metal part longer. Might help :), it was causing probs with mine when I had an APex controlling them.