Are all blennys created equal?


New member
As far as algea control is concerned? I am going to get a Tail Spot Blenny, if your not familar, seems to be similar to a bi-color, or midas just wondering how they compare to say a Lawnmower Blenny for algea control? I know the usual methods of algea control, just curious if most blennys will do a good job kepping algea in check?
All blennies are not created equal. Even blennies of the same name.

There is a reason they got nicknamed lawnmowers.

Most blennies will eat some micro algae, the difference being some will nip at other inverts/corals more so than others.
what are the odds that the Tail Spot will like hair algae? I have a small hair algae problem im currently working on just curious if he may help. Im going to get him regardless, but just wondering
my striped fang blenny doesnt eat algae :D. Tail Spots are supposed to. blennies are also known to have great personalities.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6968120#post6968120 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Paintbug
my striped fang blenny doesnt eat algae :D. Tail Spots are supposed to. blennies are also known to have great personalities.

Yeah their awsome fish, my friend has a Black Sailfin he's a big ham :) I love the look on their faces :)