Are center overflows still a thing?


Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori
Premium Member
So in my long thought out custom build thought process (still way into the future planning) I’m thinking I’m wanting it viewable from all four sides. For overflow purposes, that leaves the center overflow.

So I ask are center overflows still a thing or are they a design of the past due to leaking/cracking? I honestly can’t find much good or bad on center overflows
Yup! Whatever helps the overall design. This overflow in this system (set up in 2015) is hidden under a rock just in front of the mangrove. The bottom glass is 3/4" which I added a 20" diameter 3/8" piece of glass (mostly so I could sleep at night).

Here's the overflow and return lines wtih the rock hiding them removed:
MAM Mangrove overflow 20210401_172625681.jpg