are there any t5 fixtures that have individual reflectors

Current USA has a new one out that's relatively inexpensive.
Also Sunlight Supply and Geissman fixtures have them. Those don't come with bulbs though, so you have to factor that into the total price.
I've heard that the Tek reflectors are superior...of course, more expensive too. I have the Current Nova Extreme right now and will be upgrading to a Tek at some point in the future. I think the 6 bulb would be nice ;) .
I am also very happy with my Tek 4 bulb fixture and it does have individual reflectors....however if you plan on keeping very high light requirement corals I am not sure that it puts out quite enough light.
I am also very happy with my Tek 4 bulb fixture and it does have individual reflectors....however if you plan on keeping very high light requirement corals I am not sure that it puts out quite enough light.
I am also very happy with my Tek 4 bulb fixture and it does have individual reflectors....however if you plan on keeping very high light requirement corals I am not sure that it puts out quite enough light.
I am also very happy with my Tek 4 bulb fixture and it does have individual reflectors....however if you plan on keeping very high light requirement corals I am not sure that it puts out quite enough light.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11816831#post11816831 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Jgoal55
I am also very happy with my Tek 4 bulb fixture and it does have individual reflectors....however if you plan on keeping very high light requirement corals I am not sure that it puts out quite enough light.

I tend to disagree with that. I have 2 sps dominated tanks ran only on Tek t5 fixtures with great success.

Heres a really cool propagation setup run only on t5's

wow those are great...I should have elaborated a bit more.....the tek that i use does give me enough light for my SPS towards the top of the the pictures you show it seems that many of those are just below the water tank is only 16" deep and at the top my SPS are ok (about 450 PAR)...however anything in the middle (290 PAR) or the bottom (190 PAR) will not color up. everything grows but does not color up.
oh and the day care center, which seems to be the deepest he has ten tek only has 4. the biggest tek i believe has 6....also his reflectors may be of better quality than tek reflectors. dont get me wrong I love the tek light...I am very happy wth it...but if i moved to a complete SPS tank i would probably upgrade
I know that at Eco Reef in Pompano they have all but one display tank under Tek t-5 fixtures. They specialize in they have certainly been thriving under these lights for a while. Most of their tanks are about 24" deep and the fixtures are 48" but I forget if they're 6 or 8 bulb.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11823182#post11823182 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by brians4671
does anyone think a 6 bulb t5 fixture would cause me to need a chiller for my 65 gallon?

I highly, highly doubt it......T5's put out a lot, lot less heat than halides.