Are there any uses for old saltwater

How about giving it to the wife (or girlfriend) so that they don't have to waste all that money on salt baths.
Water change from QT into bucket - squeeze out/rinse sponges from QT filter then down the drain (city sewer - no septic). Better than dumping into storm sewer that drains to watershed.
Water change from DT into QT.
At least it gets a couple uses before hitting the sewer. And, at least IMO, my fish in QT have less of an acclimation to go through to my DT. I still drip acclimate, but can't imagine the water in the QT is much different than what is in the DT.
Wow I did not know it killed weeds I am going to have to try that on my patio there are weeds coming up between the bricks that I layed down. I have just been pouring it down the tub. We have no septic tanks to worry about.
I have been putting mine down the septic tank for quite a while and have not had any issues. It has to be pumped and inspected every 3 years due to new laws here in WI, so if there are any problems they will hopefully be seen then.

Have tried using it on the driveway to kill weeds/grass with no luck at all. Although I think it attracts opossums to my driveway after the water evaporates, kind of like a salt lick for deer.

Usually use it in QT and my frag tank before I dump it, although it may be a good excuse to turn my 54g corner into a FOWLR.
Well, I can say that salt water doesn't work as a grass killer. I dive commercially for aquarium fish, which means that I often come back from a day's work with 40-50 gallons of leftover water in buckets. When I drain the boat and wash everything off, most of the salt water runs off the driveway and on to the grass. I've been doing this for many years, and it hasn't killed the grass - in fact the place where the grass is thickest and healthiest is right where the salt water drains off (because it gets watered so much I guess). Killing grass takes a lot more salt than any hobbyist could provide.

That said, I wouldn't put it on house plants - in the yard there's a lot of drainage and the rain will wash the salt out of the soil so it all get diluted. Potted plants are stuck in a small pot and probably wouldn't take it very well.

I didnt know what to do with mine, so I tried dumping it along my sidewalks in between my house and shed and around my shed.... 3 weeks later and the grass where I dumped it is slowly dieing off. I assume it only worked because I did it when it didnt happen to rain for 3 weeks! lol.
I also have a crackhead neighbor who thinks she owns part of my property... I had the area surveyed and found that she is off my way by about 10'... I decided one night (alcohol may or may not have been a factor) that the clumped up partial bag of instant ocean I had under my stand would make a very distinct line on the property line... at one week there was a visible line... at 3 weeks the grass is so dead that it looks like straw! hahaha. My neighbor then walks up to me and says,... you know what? I said ? She then proceeded to tell me that she thinks Im correct about the property line... and she will not mess with me about it any longer. :lolspin:

I win! Anyway... I have found the waterchange water to be a great weed killer.
What about RO water. I was planning on drilling a hole in the laundry room which leads to the side of my house and placing a large tank (will try to find something free) for the waste line to run into. Affix a spigot to the bottom section for filling up buckets, watering buckets and such for watering the garden and flower beds. Anyone else do anything similar to this?

It kills me that I am currently wasting 4 gallons to every 1 gallon of RO I get. That's a lot of waste that I can be using and probably saving money on instead of turning on the sprinklers.
There's a whole thread on RO reuse. People fill toilets, washing machines and rain barrels with it. I piped mine out the dryer vent via 1/4" hose and ran it all around the gardens with 1/4" irrigation hose, T's and valves to control where it goes. You can get that at HD, Lowes or Wallyworld for just a few bucks.
As far as the concern about dumping salt into a septic system water softners are dumping larger quantities in most cases.

I haven't tried this as I figure water cost is less than electrical and filter element cost but to recycle waste salt water it could be pumped through an R.O. unit separating out most of the water. It could be reused using ozone first to oxidize the pollutants and kill any pathogens that might have survived the high salinity. Adding trace elements the problem is seems to me more likely overdosing than not having enough of something.
Well, I can say that salt water doesn't work as a grass killer. I dive commercially for aquarium fish, which means that I often come back from a day's work with 40-50 gallons of leftover water in buckets. When I drain the boat and wash everything off, most of the salt water runs off the driveway and on to the grass. I've been doing this for many years, and it hasn't killed the grass - in fact the place where the grass is thickest and healthiest is right where the salt water drains off (because it gets watered so much I guess). Killing grass takes a lot more salt than any hobbyist could provide.

That said, I wouldn't put it on house plants - in the yard there's a lot of drainage and the rain will wash the salt out of the soil so it all get diluted. Potted plants are stuck in a small pot and probably wouldn't take it very well.

i did a large water change on my 90 gal so about 45 gal WC and i dumped it out on my lawn not thinking and it definitely killed the grass in the area that i poured it on, so for those that have a beautiful lawn i would suggest not dumping it all in one spot. i would suggest spreading it out. i know that mr saltwater tank uses it to water the lawn but he spreads it out. my lawn is crappy so i don't really care. lol
some like it hot

some like it hot

32F isn't cold..when it gets to single digits or negatives, then it's cold. Trust me, a bucket of saltwater will freeze pretty fast at below 0 temps.

Sslak, i will have to disagree with you there!

when it get below 70F its cold!!!!!