Are we serious right now....


New member
That has to be a joke. Who would even think of spending that kind of money on something that can die during shipping and will FedEx even carry that type of insurance? Hell, you don't need to ship it, if you have this kind of money, you sure as hell have a jet that can take you and your tank to where this thing is to pick it up.

I think this hobby has gotten out of control recently.
But wait, Florida residents get free shipping! WooHoo. Sucks you have to pay the $39 to ship this If you don't live in Florida. :lmao:

Obviously this is a gag. Nice coral though. If not, this company sucks!
Mike posted this as a joke (basically look what I have and I'm not selling it). Now Cornbread on the other hand is selling one for $2,500. I have to agree that his prices are crazy high but if someone is willing to pay it to each their own. They do get some damn good looking corals in though!!
The fact that there some people in the hobby that have that kind of money to spend on a single piece of coral really has me rethinking my life.
Kind of makes me glad I'm leaving the hobby.

After coming and going throughout the years I've come to understand that it's really what you make it. You can make it easy on yourself or you can always be chasing unique rare specimens. I've contented myself with keep relatively common specimens for the ease and economy of it. I love having a reef in my home, I think it really enhances a room but most people looking at my tank don't have a clue if something is rare or not.
I was talking about the hypocrisy of it all. Don't get me wrong, I've met several genuine people (FAOIS), but the hobby seems to be getting filled with swindlers and misinformants. I have never been one to pay too much for a coral though :)
I got it. This is not dollars, but dong currency from Vietnam. At an exchange rate of 21,762 dong to $1 USD, this is actually $478.00. Not a great price, but much more affordable. LOL
Pics are taken under all blue LEDs (which they do note in the post)..with a little added trick...ask Chris at FAOIS to demonstrate it next time ur in there...pretty nifty!
Hilarious. Especially when you see cheap maricultured corals coming in that just need a little TLC and they're the same things as some of these trendy name itty bitty frags.

This reminds me. Don't buy frags with trendy names.
I agree with you guys for the most part. But....there are a few pieces out there I would pay up for. Take this piece for example, what would you pay for it?


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