Are we serious right now....

I personally don't think that's all that appealing. Something like an incredible hulk, garf bonsai etc is much better than that thing. I actually think it's kind of tacky.
I like it, but I wouldn't pay more than maybe $50 for something that might decide it just doesn't like my tank and die within hours.
I agree with you guys for the most part. But....there are a few pieces out there I would pay up for. Take this piece for example, what would you pay for it?

Sorry it's nice but I wouldn't pay more than $150 and the frag better be 1" not this 1/2"-3/4" crap.
I personally don't think that's all that appealing. Something like an incredible hulk, garf bonsai etc is much better than that thing. I actually think it's kind of tacky.

I have to say that's a first hearing someone call a rainbow Acro do like the ones you named as well I have frags of both of those already.
I agree with you guys for the most part. But....there are a few pieces out there I would pay up for. Take this piece for example, what would you pay for it?

I'm willing to bet that the frag doesn't look nearly as good as the picture does. The eggcrate is very blue and I wouldn't be surprised if its photoshopped.I'm not saying that the coral isn't really nice looking in person but I highly doubt it looks as good as the picture does. How about they post a photo of the mother colony under lighting in the 13-15k range, not all bluEDs if it's that pretty!
While we are at it, here is one I came across this other day. It seems legit by looking at the colors surrounding it but dang $399 for a 1/2" frag is just insane. Now that I look a little more at the photo it does appear to be altered slightly but definitely not as much the picture then OP put up.

Be no means am I trying to bash Jason Fox as I know his corals are some of the finest in the business/hobby.I will in fact been buying a few corals from him, just not the I one I put up a link too.
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I'm willing to bet that the frag doesn't look nearly as good as the picture does. The eggcrate is very blue and I wouldn't be surprised if its photoshopped.I'm not saying that the coral isn't really nice looking in person but I highly doubt it looks as good as the picture does. How about they post a photo of the mother colony under lighting in the 13-15k range, not all bluEDs if it's that pretty!

Here are a few more pics of under all blues and one when it was first collected and imported.


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While we are at it, here is one I came across this other day. It seems legit by looking at the colors surrounding it but dang $399 for a 1/2" frag is just insane. Now that I look a little more at the photo it does appear to be altered slightly but definitely not as much the picture then OP put up.

Be no means am I trying to bash Jason Fox as I know his corals are some of the finest in the business/hobby.I will in fact been buying a few corals from him, just not the I one I put up a link too.

I agree on this one here is the mother colony at the LFS where it came from.


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It does look really close but for $399 for 1/2" they can keep it.I'd might pay $150 for it but not $400.

This is 100% the colony JF acquired the frags from. It's hard to imagine paying that kind of money for a tiny frag. I won't lie though I'm gonna pay up for a RR orange passion frag though. It's $125 for a small frag but I gotta have
Don't buy corals based on color until you see it, that's my advice. I took a photo of a standard green/purple frogspawn this weekend and made it looks bright yellow while at the same time making the rocks look totally normal as if no actinic lighting was used.

With a little knowledge of custom white balancing and under exposing your photos to bring out the colors you can make some pretty normal frags look stunning. All done on camera, no photoshop.