ARID Reactor


I'm sure this has been discussed, but I wanted to get some feedback from the SPS guys and gals regarding the Pax Bellum ARID reactors. Have they worked well for SPS? I've heard some make the water too clean, any experience with this or issues with SPS being affected from running these?

I'm looking to utilize it in replacement of my media reactor, and if all goes well, possibly my skimmer (although I doubt that, but who knows). I have decent system specs, but my biggest issue is my nitrates tend to creep up every now and then as well as my phosphates when GFO isn't tended to on time.

A couple notes, I do dose acropower and also feed once a week using reef frenzy. Plus I have some fat clown pairs who love to eat all day everyday, so I'm almost not worried about "clean" water because it will also allow me to feed my fish without worry.
The N12 reactor is meant for tanks 40-120 gallons. I'm obviously at the low end here, but in the near future, I'll be looking into upgrading one of the tanks.