

New member
Has anyone ever heard of ARKive, ?

I ask, because they recently contacted me, asking permission to use some of my photographs of corals. I'm a bit hesitant to allow permission, IF they're among the "echo terrorist" or extreme activist type of environmentalists. However, if they are a legitimate conservation organization, I'm all for it!!

In looking at their site, if you "Explore" and then > Invertebrates - marine, you'll find lots of species from among our hobby. You can fine tune it, by exploring, via scientific name. In reading, I see that they're listing a lot of corals, as "vulnerable," or "near threatened," among other "classifications."

Interesting website, and maybe quite informative. I'd like to hear other's thoughts.
Funny - the name came up for me the first time just a few weeks ago when an aquatic biologist/conservationist sent me a folder of fish images for a project and it was titled "Arkive Images". Turns out, he contributes to the web site.

Seems to me like they credit the photographers well on their site - looks on the up and up to me.....
