ARKSC Filter Sock Group Buy


DIY Fanatic
Hello all, Is anyone interested in a filter sock group buy?

These are 100 Micron 4 x 12" woven filterbags.

Cost is 3.50 each (2.76+ shipping share). This is about 1/2 of the cost of a comparable quality 12" sock (not heat pressed).

Pick up in Norwalk. Post here if you are interested. We need 25 minimum and I will take 12, so need 15 more buyers to reach the minimum.
yes, they are woven poly. I'll add your 10 in. With such a quantity, we may get them cheaper. I am going to recalculate the price.
still recalculating...done...

Price is $3.15 each now.

This is who owes what and what I am ordering:

Joe - 12 - $37.80 - Paid
Peter -10 - $31.50 - Paid
Skip - 10 - $31.50
Pauly - 12 - $37.80
Mike (Dude) - 10 - $31.50
Brett - 10 - $31.50
Matt - 6 - $18.90

70 Socks :)

This is what I will order. You guys can send me paypal f&f (preferred) or cash when you pick them up. I should have them next week.
PM me for my paypal if that works.
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ARKSC Filter Sock Group Buy

Socks have arrived. Pm me for pickup.


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