ARO VHO ballast output stinks


New member
I've got an Ice Cap 430 over my 45 running 3 strips, and thought I would put 2 more tubes over the tank. So, I got the ARO220 as it seemed like a bargain at $50 including the endcaps.

But the ARO tubes are definitely much dimmer than the tubes from Ice Cap. Not only that, but there is a noticeable flicker from them, not something I would expect from an "electronic" ballast as they advertised (I should say that I am particularly sensitive to flicker though; even a computer monitor at 100 Hz has a noticeable flicker to me).

So what the heck is the story with these ballasts? are they really VHO ballasts, and are they even electronic for that matter? I'm thinking I'd like to return them, but then the shipping would be almost as much as the stupid ballast.

Anyone else with + or - experiences?
wow flicker on a 100hz monitor, is it old. lol. J/k i nkow what you meen. i find its from me shaking my leg and making the monitor wobble.

Never used the ballast but know some who do and I couldnt see it flicker. Maybe its a bad balast but your probably used to the icecap? Sell it on ebay lol so someone else pays shipping and buy another icecap so they are the same.
I'm using one and I don't notice any flicker. I'm like you, I can notice flicker quite easily.

As far as the brightness goes I do not have anything to compare to since I am only running 2 VHOs, but 2 110W VHOs on the ARO ballast are definately brighter than my old 4 X 55W PC setup.
Well, the flickering that was present at first died off. It may have just been new and working itself in or something. It was a little odd...

The bulbs are still definitely dimmer than the Ice Cap though. Maybe it just has to do with Ice Cap being the better/more efficient ballast?

Anyway, I went ahead and hooked up the lights and the tank really looks great with the additional lighting even if it isn't quite as bright as expected. Mostly I'm ticked off because it took all night to redo the wiring, and then didn't really function up to my expectations.
I would check the wiring (especially the end caps) and make sure everything is seated well. Maybe you got a lemon ballast though. :(
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6550304#post6550304 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Entropy
I would check the wiring (especially the end caps) and make sure everything is seated well. Maybe you got a lemon ballast though. :(

That was one of the first things I tried. I've double and triple checked the wiring and endcaps, and think it's functioning as it's "supposed to".

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6550517#post6550517 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by lastin1
Have you tried swapping the bulbs to make sure it's not the bulb?

Yep, switched the bulbs out too, it's just the ARO ballast that's making the bulbs dimmer. I really think the Ice Cap just drives the bulbs at a higher output. The Ice Cap driven bulbs are also noticeably warmer too (not hot though).
OK, I wish I had something to actually measure light output, but I do have a temp probe so I figured that might be somewhat useful in getting a rough estimate of bulb output. After starting out at room temp, here are the results:

ARO driven bulb temp:
5 min - 92 degrees
10 min - 105 degrees

Ice Cap driven bulb temp:
5 min - 102 degrees
10 min - 120 degrees

I don't know if it's working as it's supposed to or not, but I'm still debating whether it will go back.