As if they were not beautiful enough - New Powder Blue addition -

Nice gasman, yours looks healthy. Thanks for the ID before, that was helpful.

It is interesting to note that the side in the "sun" is not experiencing the same issues. I have moved this more to the center of the tank, but still on the bottom.

Do you think it would be ok to raise this guy up in the tank?

BTW, do these get much PE during the day in general? I would not expect it too much in my first week or so, but just curious.
You asked about dipping procedure, so here is mine:
1/2 a fluke tab
1/2 a large dog interceptor (subsitute small dog interceptor whole tab)
2.5 to 4 gallons of water
small heater

squish up the interceptor and fluke tab (I use the back of a spoon on granite countertop or floor tile, with the tabs in a plastic bag). then mix up pills with small ammount of tank water in plastic bag. once most is dissolved, pour plastic bag water into 2.5 to 4 gallon container, let the water circulate a bit, heater keeping the temps stable. I drip acclimate the corals with water from the main display, since my treatment bucket is always on the floor, and once they're acclimated after an hour or so, I introduce them to the treatment bucket.

6 hours minimum in the treatment bucket, lots of flow to knock off any baddies (I like using a MJ1200 with a hydor flo head). Once they're done, you can do a 10-15minute dip of something iodine based (lugols, TMPCC, etc), then a wrinse off, and then into the display.

HTH and good luck with the STN
Thanks Eric, looks like a good plan. I think my frag purchases are going to have to be better timed, or at least making sure that I have some extra SW on hand. I think I would probably do a Water change and then keep the siphoned water for the treatment.
Much better with the close up and I agree with Rafael ruling out AEFW at that magnification you could not miss them.