Asking for feedback for sump layout::first draft


Reef bully
I would like advice and feedback on this sump. It will be 6 ft long and 3 ft. wide.

The compartments that have teeth are for a large fuge (back) and coral propagation area (front) and then to the skimmer compartment.

Is it better to switch those areas to have the skimmer compartment first?

Thanks in advance for looking and input. It's truly appreciated.



I just realized that I will have an external skimmer, not in sump.

So how does that change the logic of the layout? Does it?
This is just my opinion but I would keep the coral pasr seperate form the sump/refugium. WHat size tan kis this for?
Thanks RBU1, what is your reasoning for keeping it separate from the sump? I just want to know because most likely I'm not covering all of the bases here.

The tank is 750 gallons.
I really can not give you a scientific answer. But it just seems to me that the sump/refugium can get pretty nasty dirty. Not sure the water conditions are best for SPS corals in a sump/refugium area. I could be wrong but it just does not seem like something that you should do.
You are going to use a external skimmer and external return pump on a 6' x 3' sump?

What size aqaurium is this going to be used for (700 deep water reef build)?

What is th height of the sump (24")?

You can have a prop. section within a sump, it all depends on the placement.
reef/aholic- Yes, I think I need to use an external skimmer and external return pump. The skimmer will be too tall to put it in the sump.

Yes, the tank is 750 gallons, it is 10 foot x 4 foot x 30".

I can make the sump as tall as 30" if I want to, but I think it will most likely be 20".

What suggestions would you make? Thanks very much.
Taller is nice so it can handle back siphoning from your display. For a tank as big as yours, I would say having 18 inches or more of open space above the waterline would be good. Calculate how much water will back sipon from each inch lost from your display and being able to handle six inches of back siphon would be a good safety margin.

I have a frag section in my sump, (not online yet), but the problem I anticipate is SPS potentially getting "dusted" from the nearly fuge. To be specific, I use mud and when harvesting macro, sometimes the mud gets loose in the sump and makes a mess. We will see how it works.

Most people like to have a way for the critters from the fuge to get back to the display without going through a skimmer area. If you gravity feed your skimmer you are covered here.

I think your design looks awesome.
