ASM Skimmers

Steven Pro

New member
I am looking for some advice from those of you that have actually used some of the larger ASM skimmers. The manufacturer's recommended tank size seem exaggerated to me.

G-4 350 gallons
G-5 700 gallons
G-6 1,200 gallons

I am looking for something that would perform well on a system that would hold about 500 gallons of actual water, have a lot of corals, but little to no fish.
I have a a couple G-2's a G-3 and a G-4 they all work well, the G-3 seems to work better that the G-4 though, It pulls more nasty looking skimmate. The G-4 is on a 300 the G-3 is on a 240 and the G-2's are on 160's.

They all seem to keep up well even with a heavy fish load, I don't know much about the "bigger" ones...sorry
BTW I was the guy sitting front and center at your seminar a few weeks ago in lancaster.
I really liked it
Great job,
I ran a G4 on a 135G (170G total) and it was more then enough and worked great. I have seen a 5 on a 280 ( about 350 total) and it worked like a champ but I think 500 would be on the edge.

I would go with the G6 if I were you I think it would work great. The 5 might be fine for you but with only $100 difference why not go with the 6!
From what I've read the factory over rates them and realistically they can handle 20-25% less then what the factory claims. Still pretty good for the money. I plan on using a G5 on a 500 gallon tank.
I've got a g-2 with a Sedra 5000 on a 180 and the combo works great. I've pulled out more in the past few weeks then any skimmer I've owned in the past 10 years.

While my setup is much smaller then your inquiry, I only post to show that they are very capable skimmers even if underized for the setup.
2 x G4x would be a good way to go IMO.You would have redundancy and tough to beat the pair for the 700.00 price range.I've seen the G6 at Redbank,NJ on a 2000 galon and it's definetly a bad boy.But way overkill for a 500.The good thing about ASM skimmers is that they actually produce skimmate.I've worked with 4-5 ft ETSS skimmers and they don't produce much skimmate and waste alot of electricity and space.
I have a G4 w/ sedra9000 on my 180 works great!
I plan using it when I do my upgrade to the 450
I'll do the recirulation mod on it and gravity feed it off one of the drains

lots of bang for the buck!!!