Asterina Starfish eating Palys

One day, I found a starfish munching on the stalk of one of my Sunny D's polyp. I quickly removed the starfish and now the polyp is closed up and droopy because the stalk is missing some flesh. Is there anything that I can do to speed up the healing process or temporarily fix it?
One day, I found a starfish munching on the stalk of one of my Sunny D's polyp. I quickly removed the starfish and now the polyp is closed up and droopy because the stalk is missing some flesh. Is there anything that I can do to speed up the healing process or temporarily fix it?

I hate these things based solely on my suspicions that they are up to no good. The jury is definitely still out on all the forums, that's for sure. I've been plucking a few here and there and feeding them to my BTAs. But now I'm wondering if that is okay to do. The BTAs seem no worse for wear.
They multiply rapidly but I have been picking them out by hand and looking over the zoas colony to make sure there is no starfish nearby.