Asterina stars eating zoas

Yup the Harlequin shrimp is the best method but if you still wana keep it after the war end with asteria star then you gotta feed with it with some star fish to keep them happy.
I have a medium sand sifting starfish. If I were to add a Harlequin shrimp to take care of the asteria stars would it put the sand sifting star in danger?
I have a medium sand sifting starfish. If I were to add a Harlequin shrimp to take care of the asteria stars would it put the sand sifting star in danger?
Yes it would eat it.

I just pulled another nasty blue astrena off of a healthy zoa polyp. It was on the polyp and not trying to eat the coraline underneath as stated might be a possibility earlier in this thread. This polyp was perfectly healthy yesterday, and will be tomorrow now that I got another one out of the tank.. :D
I dont believe you in the slightest bit. Two of those stars cannot eat 10 zoas in 3-4 hours. You wouldn't have sat there aswell after watching them eat even one of them. Stop lieing and tell this man that you may have saw them 'picking' at your zoas that were already dieing. Stuff like this is why I don't visit this forum any more, nor help here.... And just because you yourself have never witnessed it in your tank... DOESN'T MEAN IT DOESN'T HAPPEN NOR HAPPENS EVER.
Thank you 650! I had several different varieties of stars that all ate different types of coral. Medium blueish/purple ones that ate gsp, larger grey/black ones that ate zoas, and small tan ones that ate sps. Harlequin shrimp is in the process of decimating them all :uzi:
It's like the same thing when some of us were talking about zoanthid/paly eating Ampipods... a few talked about it and everyone thoought they were crazy... but slowly more and more witnessed it for them selves.

Just like People told columbus don't sail that far as the earth was FLAT and you'll fall off the edge.... :reading:
I've witnessed asterina starfish eating my zoa polyps as well. They sit right on top of the polyp and eat it down to the glue on the plug. I swear, it's been like picking ticks off a dog!!!! I don't have to sit and watch it happen, I come back three hours later and the polyp is almost gone!!!!:eek1:
