Asterina's and zoo's

I bought my harlequin to remove asterinas. I tried manual removal, but they reproduce so fast that it seemed impossible to remove them all. I had hundreds, if not thousands of them in my tank. They were completely gone in about 1 week after I bought my harlequin. One of the best investments I ever made! I lost a lot of zoa frags and colonies to asterinas before I realized that they were causing the problem.

I would definitely go with a harlequin. They are super easy, and hardy for shrimp. After it wipes out your asterina problem just buy a few chocolate chip stars, chop them up, keep them in the sump to heal, and give the shrimp a leg or two every week.

Good luck!
I'm having the same problem in my tank. I only have a 29g BC and in one week I pulled out 200 or so of these starfish. And to think when I first started my tank I thought they were
Hmm hows it going with the star removal?? I also have problem with these little guys, tried to manually remove them, but there's too many. I am also thinking about getting a harlequin to do the job. However I am curious if my yellow wrasse would eat it though. Tanks a 50g, so I'm curious to know how long it'd take to clear them out. And has anyone had the stars return after removal of their shrimps? Maybe crawling back into the tank through overflow, or sump?

Btw anyone know whats the key source that makes these stars multiple??
I have 2 in 100 gal farm and have had them for a couple months now. progress is slow and steady for me thanks to the shrimp. I am not sure if I will ever be free of them but they certainly keep the astreas in check. Oh, I have a yellow wrasse in there as well with no issues.
I've had them in my tank for years bro then outta no were ther multiples rapidally and started eating my zoo colonys .some people don't belive it but I'm telling u they eat them so I declared war on the astrenia stars and bought a pair of haloquine shrimp the war is still going on now but the stars are almost gone a few more the harlys are great for this they are relentless and eat like crazy .its amazing when I put the shrimp in the tank then next day every single star was on the upper right hand side of the tank there were like 200 of them I couldt see threw the glass lol .amazing how they know the shrimp were there lol DONT MESS WITH MY ZOOS MOFO
so has anyone had them come back once they removed their shrimps? I'd like to know to, I'd hate it if I removed mine and the stars from my sump or some where crawled back in.