New member
Ok start at the top I guess. I have had my tank up for about 3 months now. Had a few sps given to me and a few brown outs I found at a lfs. The ones given to me were doing great for a few weeks then they stopped extending polyps and have stayed the bright colors they were for the most part. No obvious stn or rtn that I or anyone else has seen. Now for the tank details.
Lights 48" tek 8 bulb t5 4.5" off water level.
Tank size 125 gallon
Sump 40 breeder
Skimmer bubble magus curve 7
Return pump 800 gph
About 160 lbs of live rock between tank and sump
Flow 2 wp40 one set at w2 s1 the other at w3 s2 both about a quarter of the way off the top of the water line.
Temp is 77.5-79.0
Levels are
Alk 8.5-9.0
Cal 420-440
Mag 1480-1520
Red sea for those test
Phos .00-.03 salifert on this
Ph 8.2-8.4 red sea on this
Nitrate .00-5.0 unfortunately I ran out of red sea test kits on here and had to use my old api test kit.
However when I compared it to the red sea it showed the same last month. So its really close.
I am at a loss of what could be causing these issues. Even my lfs says I should be doing great with sps now.
Not sure what the brown outs are yet but one of the colored up ones are a green hairy mili and the other is a acro of some sort. I have tried moving them to different areas of the tank and nothing helps.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Lights 48" tek 8 bulb t5 4.5" off water level.
Tank size 125 gallon
Sump 40 breeder
Skimmer bubble magus curve 7
Return pump 800 gph
About 160 lbs of live rock between tank and sump
Flow 2 wp40 one set at w2 s1 the other at w3 s2 both about a quarter of the way off the top of the water line.
Temp is 77.5-79.0
Levels are
Alk 8.5-9.0
Cal 420-440
Mag 1480-1520
Red sea for those test
Phos .00-.03 salifert on this
Ph 8.2-8.4 red sea on this
Nitrate .00-5.0 unfortunately I ran out of red sea test kits on here and had to use my old api test kit.
However when I compared it to the red sea it showed the same last month. So its really close.
I am at a loss of what could be causing these issues. Even my lfs says I should be doing great with sps now.
Not sure what the brown outs are yet but one of the colored up ones are a green hairy mili and the other is a acro of some sort. I have tried moving them to different areas of the tank and nothing helps.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.