ATI distance?


New member
Quick question so i can ascertain if my corals are receiving enough light. ATI 8 bulb 24".
What height on average are the majority of your corals positioned below your light fitting. So total distances from bulbs to the top of your acros?
I know there will be several answers but just so o can get a feel.
Reason i ask is i have a relatively deep tank for its size 24"× 30" by 24" deep and my rock work is fairly low down.
My average distance is 18".
What are everybody's thoughts?

Thanks Justin
I'm running an 8 bulb ATI that's 8" above the waters surface (24 tall tank). All my acros are low and also have some growing on the bottom. I'm upgrading tanks soon and out of real estate on the rocks. Par at the waters surface is 550, tallest shelf 350, bottom end corners 150. You have plenty of light. I also run peak (all bulbs) 5 hours and two actincs 12 hours. Hope this helps. Good luck!

Dude you got plenty of light. I got a 6 bulb on my tank and im growing colorfull healthy corals in the sandbed. With a 8 bulb, your cooking :)
I have an 80 watt 8 bulb. Because of my canopy I have it running only 3 inches or so above my water. I have acros up at the water surface as well as 27 inches down on the sand.