They are actually a different species, Lysmata garbhami, VS L amboensis. Check the spelling, but they are very different with reguard to care. The atlantic cleaners can't be kept in groups like the pacific ones, they will form very strong pr bond and kill off all the other ones in the same tank. I have tried in tanks as big as 125gal and ended up with just 1 big pr. If you find one you can add another later, but once a pr is formed they are very aggressive to other striped cleaners. I keep mine with several other species of shrimp, they get along fine, just not with other striped cleaners. Other care is the same, they eat anything, they are hermaphorodites that trade eggs, so both carry eggs at the same time.
As far as Flower Gardens is concerned, I know where it is and would love to dive it at some point, most of my fish and inverts are from deep water, usually my dives are between 130 to 150 ft, I love the deep water angels and basslets, but the Flower Gardens is also a popular site here off the coast of FL so my point to Signal_4 was that if he saw a collection listed as Flower Gardens that may not be the Marine Park in the gulf, but a dive site where they are collected regularly here in south FL.