ATO 3155 problem.


Active member
I have my ATO3155 work for almost a year, but last week it keep sound alarm constantly. I have to unplug the power and put it back on every time the alarm trigger. Every time I plug power back, it pump for 15 sec as usual, then the low water level light is on then the pump start pumping water but the alarm turn on after 3 second and the unit start sounding alarm.
I took it off, soak the pump, optical sensor and the floating in vinegar for 1 hrs, I put everything back on but it still the same issue.
What is the problem? how to fix it?
I would send it in, it sounds like something is wrong with the electronics. The only other possibility would be a bad pump, if you disconnect the pump and it stays on and shows a normal display with no alarm, it is a bad pump.
I will try to disconnect the pump when I get home today. If it bad pump, I will by the pump. If the controller, I will request for an RMA. Is there any discount for pump? you can pm me for answer. Thank you Victor.
The whole thing has a 2 year warranty so you shouldn't have to buy anything, if you disconnect the pump and you get a normal status light (yellow for pump on or green for level), then it was the pump and we can send one, if the beeping and light issues continue, something is wrong with the controller and as long as that is not water damage (doesn't sound like it from the description) it would be covered under warranty.
I tried to turn the pump up side down and notice some bubble inside the pump when it start but after the air bubble out ( around 3 second), alarm and beeping is on.

I disconnect the pump like you said and I got the yellow on the pump and NO ALARM and no beeping.